what the fuck do you care if this will encourage people play as female? don't you think this kind of treatment towards female characters forcefully encourage "sausage fest" player base? i myself like play as female, much more fun to customize as NX goes. also, there shouldn't be any difference if you'd like to play male or female in term of difficulty and cost of in-game items.. and by keep an item (male) drop from level 60 mob and the same item only as female version to be drop by level 80+ mobs with lower rate spawn, bigger map with awful layout.. this is not fair. so yeah i agree with @Amy-Chan.. +1
I agree with OP with the addition of being careful when choosing which mob should drop female equips. Don't make a mob map too lucrative in terms of drops. For example, don't make ulu1/2 drop them.. make skele drop the female pirate gear or wolf-spider
this is fair its how the world works and should be applied to maplestory as well be a male if you want the easier life -1
it's 2017 and we're still labeling gender norms on equipment options??!? sheesh what a world we live in
In addition to/instead of changing the loot tables, we could also look at making the mobs that drop female equips more desirable to grind/farm at. IMO Ulu City needs more competition for best grind/farm/leech.
I'd make a shrine for the staff if they would just add a portal that warps players from bottom to top of the MDT map. And a little spawn buff plz.
this discussion is not on real life or politics so don't bring that into here.. also when i'm talking about "fair", its not about classes, weapon types or changes that have and will be made to server difficulty vs old and new players.. why item with male and female versions should be obtain by two different mob levels?, again male is level 60 mobs the other female is level 80+ mobs now give me your answer or is it still "life isn't fair"? @Amy-Chan you right by not hold your breath on this issue, my advice is to get Red Mystique Set instead of the meta dark pirate. still hard to get as perfect godly but i think easier then dark pirate.. Wild Kargo: Top Red Drake/Taurospear: Pants Taurospear/*Rash & Dark Rash: Pants & Shoes
cuz males are the majority in this server so high drop rates for dark tops for them is fair and not gonna happen too as it ruins nostalgia, females should have a harder time getting equips just like the old times
why the limited thinking? the fact that there's majority for male avatars in the game, should not effect the fact that both female and male items can be drop from same level mob.. people excuse for "keep things the way they are" give same milked answer "ruins nostalgia".. this should not effect the game play nor the nostalgia.. just small change in drop that as the tittle says "even the playing field"..
nah man really effects nostalgia i dont remember seeing many female thief tops in fm or people wearing those female thief tops so please no add ruins nostalgia by a lot -1
Yeah I don't see people 24/7 smegaing about selling leech or buying APR either. Really affects my nostalgia man change APR and leech in Royals plz. -1
"effects nostalgia" don't over use this term so much.. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(i feel like you just troll at this point) i can name countless points of things that effects nostalgia.. by that pathetic logic, i don't remember this much NX in game, please remove it i don't remember NX last forever please add 90 days timer on them. i don't remember smega that show items please remove it i don't remember hunted house please remove it i don' remember ninja castle please remove it i don't remember singapore please remove it i don't remember NLC please remove it i don't remember 70% of the existing NX items please remove it i don't remember 60% of hairstyles please remove them i don't remember 60% of face and eyes please remove them.. i remember people loved the monster carnival pq so much please fix that now! i remember people played henesys PQ at level 10 please fix that too! i remember the pirate PQ please fix that! and i can keep this up for days!. but, you wont see me cry over them.. also...... in your opinion a problem should not be fix as long as it wont "effect nostalgia" i say fuck that BS, you've gotta do a lot more then fix drop of an item to really effect nostalgia, since all you need is henesys music and you re-live your childhood, nostalgia is NOT that hard to "kill"..
Why does every Feedback thread in this server start off as a harmless suggestion and devolve into an asinine political debate
It's not just him. You're being pretty abrasive too... Everyone should keep it on track (ya know, the female item drops issue).
Can we at least get some map buff on places that drop them, if changing loot drops isn't available? MDT map is the perfect place to buff since both warrior and thief top & bottom drop there.
I like this, it's a balance between evening the playing field and preserving nostalgia. I don't like changing the loot tables. Imagine if sky skiis started dropping from, say, Tauromacis, or if cravens dropped from himes lol.
Also, why is nostalgia even a point of contention here? Do any of you here actually wistfully long for the days of your bygone youth when a Dark Pirate Top (F) was difficult to find? Is that really the part of your past MapleStory experience that you have been desperately yearning to relive through this server? Or do you guys just enjoy throwing out random buzz words for the pure, unadulterated sake of throwing out random buzz words?
Just wait until gobies are back up & running, the illustrious blue mystique female thief tops will be bountiful. Female thief bottoms however are pretty non-existent. I'm not sure about switching up drop tables of an item or two but it doesn't sound like a huge deal to me if some things were swapped around.