Discussion in 'Selling' started by Brad Dhanpaul, Sep 5, 2017.
new maple shields: 32 tma s/b 2.5b a/w 3b SOLD 29 tma s/b 1.7b a/w 1.9b
scrolled another one, c/o 2.5b, a/w 3b
sold in game at 2.65b
added new shields, 30 tma and 23 tma
11int Shield s/b
added new maple shields
U have 32matt??
Sry sold for a/w in game
added some new shields brooooooooooski
Sb 29 tma : D
28 and 23 shields sold. still selling 29 and 31 tma shields for 1.6b a/w
31 tma sold for 2.4b, only 2 29 tma shields left for 1.6b ea
still seling?
All sold
added some shields
Separate names with a comma.