MapleRoyals' server goal is to deliver a nostalgic, pre-Big Bang Maplestory experience. A large part of Maplestory nostalgia, in my opinion, are the iconic endgame weapons. Dark Knights have their Sky Skis, Night Lords use the classic Red Cravens and Dragon Sleves, Paladins seek out Crushed Skulls, and Mages use elemental wands. However, one nostalgic end game weapon has been rendered obsolete in most respects due to a post Big Bang addition. The Maple Pyrope Sword, which came out in 2011, is strictly better than the Red Katana. I propose that the Red Katana be buffed to match the attack and strength of the Pyrope Sword. The RK was unique in old Maple because it was a fast-4 speed sword that could serve as an end game weapon alongside the Sparta, Dragon Carabella, and Reverse Executioners for Heroes and Paladins. Each had their advantages and disadvantages; the fast-5 swords(Sparta, Carabella, RE) varied in rarity and were better with Speed Infusion, whereas the RK was a better solo weapon. Unfortunately, with the presence of the Pyrope in this server, the Pyrope is the strictly better choice over the RK. A Perfect clean Pyrope(97 att and 8 STR) matches the RK's(93) speed, but also has a +4 weapon attack and +8 STR advantage in DPS, as well as an average +40 accuracy bonus. I do acknowledge that the Red Katana has an advantage in being more common than the Maple Pyrope Sword, but in my opinion, the RK's rarity does not offer any significant advantage over the Pyrope's DPS. The RK drops from uncommonly farmed mobs. The Pyrope cannot be removed from the server, as that would negate many player's hard work. If newly dropped RKs were to be buffed to match the Pyrope's attack and strength(average 87 attack and 2 STR), the RK could be another alternative to the plethora of endgame choices that Heroes and Paladins have. The Pyrope would still have an accuracy advantage. A disadvantage of buffing the Red Katana is that the Pyrope's value would decrease. Nevertheless, I speculate that good pyrope will still remain close to its original value, due to it being a niche choice over the Stonetooth and Dragon Claymore, which are better with high attack potions. Additionally, no other weapon has received special treatment in this server, so why should the Red Katana receive special treatment? On the other hand, no other endgame weapon has been replaced by a strictly superior post big bang weapon in this server. I understand if nothing can be done, but it would be a shame if one of old Maple's iconic endgame weapons was to be forever a strictly worse choice to a post Big Bang weapon in a pre Big Bang server.
I agree and join the vote, if there's one? RK, is iconic, unique. Feels more pleasant and nostalgic. I faced same problem in GMS, had a near perfect RK, then came pyropes and potential, I ended up jumping to perfect ST, then perfect VIP, then too many of them came out and I quit. RK remain one of those weapons that people shoul enjoy, at least for me. And right now I am going to create a perfect 1h. I too, have to decide between between RK and Pyrope. Might truly end up with RK, if it is taken seriously. Many thanks in advance! Hope more people like the RK as well.
I added a poll. I think that if Red Katanas with Pyrope Sword stats were obtainable during Anniversary events, that would also be an option.
Some people downvote without even bothering to explain. Unfortunately, I suspect it being many of the people who own a more precious sword and probably don't want an economic impact. If not, they why not upvote and help RK lovers enjoy as well?
Here's my 2 cents. The thing that made the Red Katana unique was its attack speed, sure, and now there's a better sword of roughly the same type. So what's the issue? This could be said to be an issue with any item that was outclassed by another at some point in time. It seems to me like you are simply after the aesthetic of the Red Katana, so you might as well be asking for the Fusion Anvil item(?). Furthermore, if raising the stats of an item whose aesthetics you appreciate is simply a way of making it good enough for you to be able to use it with a clean conscience, then anyone could argue this should be applied to any item whose aesthetic they like. tl;dr this could be argued for any old item.
Why buff a lvl 70 sword though. It makes sense than a lvl 70 weapon is weaker than a lvl 100 one and it's like that for almost all weapon types
The issue is that the Pyrope sword is a post Big Bang weapon. Imagine adding Von Leon and Fafnir equips to this server, I assume the majority of this community wouldn't like that. Of course the Red Katana's aesthetics play into my opinion, because of the Heroes that happened to use it back in the day. What other old item could be argued to be buffed for? No other endgame equipment in Royals has strictly better post Big Bang replacements. The Red Katana is an exception rather than the norm. I would argue that one of Royals' goals is to preserve the Pre Big Bang aesthetic of Maplestory. Rather than having everybody using samey end game equipment sets(Fafnir, Empress), there's actually diversity to weaponry and equipment. I definitely do play Royals for the aesthetic, and like the fact that the old end game weapons are viable. Fusion anvils are addressed in another thread, and it doesn't seem like it can be done. Would you argue the same way if people used Fafnir spears over Sky Skis? I also answer "why" in my original post.
Buffing the Red Katana would give 1H users and end game weapon that's much more easily obtainable, rather than from an event only.
don't you have a perfect maple shield? can assume that you have a bias for 1h swords so thats probably why you're positive about buffing 1h swords... Also people don't need to explain why they down vote something. I think a lot of people are fairly certain that these changes will never be done just from knowing what suggestions have actually been taken serious by the staff previously. If you think that the suggestion is bad but you're confident that it will be turned down by staff it seems pointless to spend time explaining why its a bad idea.
I hope people voting for Fafnir items are just doing it for the memes. They would absolutely ruin this server. Level 150 with insane amounts of base stats and *shudder*.... boss damage % potential?
I vote no. The red katana can be farmed and the pyrope is a hard to get event wep. It should make sense the harder to get wep is better.
But making the Red Katana slightly better, like the same ATT potential without the added STR or Accuracy bonus of the Pyrope, and having it 'farmable' from very seldom trained on monsters wouldn't make it a replacement for the Pyrope, but instead it would be an alternative. Why should 1h Sword warriors only be able to get the best end game weapon through events when every one else can get the best end game weapon through year round options?
Then buff both. I can sympathize with OP, it does kind of suck it's only available during a certain event. Imagine if Skulls/ST/SkySkis were in the same boat.
I added the Fafnir option to remove joke/troll votes, and to try to help prove my point. It's not meant to be taken seriously . Whenever the first Balanced Fury is crafted in this server. I personally plan on using a Stonetooth for endgame. Anyhow, I don't think it's a matter of bias. Instead, it's a matter of perspective, of understanding other people's bias. I imagine that this discussion might be going differently if Pyrope spears were strictly better than Sky Skis, Pyrope claws better than Cravens, or pyrope guns better than Concerto/Dragonfire. I acknowledge that this is speculation, but I think it's relevant speculation. As Muff also said, Red Katanas are not obtained from frequently farmed weapons. They are both hard to obtain. That being said, would having Red Katanas with close to Pyrope sword stats(equal Str and ATT, no accuracy bonus) available as an anniversary event weapon be a reasonable compromise?
Tbh I have no idea what this deal is with 1H swords but I voted yes because your argument is very logically consistent and eloquent Godspeed, soldier
@Jebbernaught could explain this better than I can, but for people who don't boss, grinding and therefore EXP/hr is based on how fast you can move around the map and how fast you kill things. Once you start 1-hitting the monsters it's all about efficiency. Solo-grinding is also without buffs so no SI, making RK a very appealing sword to use, I used a 115 att RK through all of 3rd job and up till I started switching to BW for a skull in 4th. And it's great. To me, the entirity of the issue is the lack of access to the pyrope sword. As it's the only weapon in this "position", I think adding it to a gach, any gach, would be a fair trade-off to make it accessible. Perhaps at the same rates sky-skis/ST are (assuming they're close? I have no idea).
Voted yes because RK is my partner when i was playing pre-bb maplestory not a pyrope that didnt even exist at the time sad to say, its too late to talk about this imo since buffing rk break the balance of game(weapons). please think of idea that wont change/break the blance of game.
I appreciate your interest. Several ideas have been brought up: -Simply buffing the Red Katana to Maple Pyrope Sword stats. -Adding a buffed RK to a gachapon. -Adding a buffed RK as an event weapon during Anniversary. Each has positives and negatives. I noticed how @Tim stated that it wasn't the admins' intent to lock best in slot items behind holiday rewards in another thread. However, the best (in slot) solo 1h sword is locked behind the anniversary event. This doesn't seem very consistent. I propose that we knock out two birds with one stone, help out the old RK users, and fix this inconsistency.
one handed swords have multiple options. You can get the versions with higher speed at lower level and weapon attack (red katana, pyrope sword) or you can go for lower speed with higher weapon attack (sparta, carabella). both can be considered best in slot as the same attack speed can be achieved with the speed infusion buff. I do not believe the Red Katana needs a buff as it has its place in the current game. Speedy for solo grinding, not the highest damage as opposed to slightly slower for higher damage on higher level 1h swords.