5th 6th* 4th job char, 2nd nl, finally managed to finish hp wash the goal i wished to hit by 4th job ^^
After two years, I got my first ever int leaf a few weeks ago. 6 int > 11 int > 14 int > 17 int > 18 int > 20 int It was just a dream, but actually achieved it, 20 int face accessory. Ez Fryslan. Thank you to: @Tim for chaos hack program (kappa) @Nessi for Jew int chaos bless @Martin for being the motivation to chaos @Michael for killing toad fast enough for Martin to come before he died from sleep deprivation @StaticShock for coming even though you didn't even bring your waifu with you
I'm stopping here actually, so I posted now hehe. Reached my goal, so I'm done. Once I finish WSing the rest of my unfinished stuff, I'll break 1700 magic, so if anyone gets close to beating me, I'll finish the last two slots to try and really be unbeatable.
First BF solo. Spoiler: More bugs (?) Not quite sure if these are bugs so I won't post them in the "Support - Report Bug" yet. I already have: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/broken-skills.107787/ there tho. 1. At every three Paralyze animation, only two of them does damage and the third simply animates but no damage is dealt. 2. Elquines only does misses on BF. To my knowledge, even if a mob is strong to a element, damage should simply be reduced. Or even, if they are immune to it, it should show as 1 damage. 3. Mentioned it in the thread ^, but slow doesn't work on BF. (This + n1 makes pinning BF practically impossible.) Spoiler: Fun facts 1. BF is weak to fire. (Leggo Pallys! ) 2. No toe dropped from this BF.
https://image./eOopfw/image.jpg proud of making the best warrior Pants in Royal chaos +5 and +5 life is good
@fawkes told me I should scroll something, but i hadn't sold my cape yet at the time so it had to wait til today. Sold 17 attack cape for 18b ez ! Then adventure started with the scrolls I was given from the previous cape: Spoiler: We continue what I couldn't finish when I was broke Spoiler: This chaos made me really happy Spoiler: This chaos reminded me that I only stored 1 ws on my paladin REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Spoiler: Quickly throw another one at it so we don't have to look at the failed slot and it's a masterpiece ! -1 slot
when you Chaos your 7/5 bwg at night and didnt check the status, wanted to have a good sleep You wake up in the morning and see this BABY Spoiler https://image./j6HdtG/glove.jpg selling this BWG too