Hello Everyone, we are currently recruiting active players to our guilds. I am Xabiere/Xurel (Guild Master of both Guild) https://royals.ms/forum/threads/hello-everyone-ex-msea-player.104751/ Singaporean/Malaysian = Guild: Strangers International = Guild: Unfamiliar Our Free Market Slacking Channel is at 16 Will be improving on the post design and Info Requirements: 1. Active 2. Sociable (Able to join our Guild WhatsApp Group) 3. Respectful (Especially Towards the Girls in Guild) Future Plans: We are a newly formed Guild, and we are currently looking for players that can contribute to the guild admin matters. 1. Designing Forum Post 2. Organizing Guild Event 3. Organizing Guild Bossing 4. Guild Adminstrations If anyone is interested please feel free to pm my JR(s) or Myself in-game For Guild: Strangers (Singapore & Malaysia) Xabiere (GM) Mnpy (JR) Sugarish (JR) AiZaiSin (JR) Nyrei (JR) JingYi0428 (JR) For Guild: Unfamiliar (International) Xurel (GM) Fishh (JR)