Character Name: yeio Last thing you did: kpq w the homies Why do you think you got banned?: for not being a hetero normie Ban message when attempting to log in: kek What GM banned you (optional): probably chrissy i am reformed. i took internet politics 101 and i think i deserve a second chance. boolean will vouch for me.
You're still not providing us with the evidence you claimed to have. Without that, you'll have no case here.
leave the case open for when im sober... lol ill expose anyone you want to hear. ill even show you how people ban evade or hack. pm me
Come back when you're sober, because you're not making sense now lol (because we know how people ban evade/ I don't understand what makes you think we don't).
You dont have to get an attitude w me kai... i said pm me or if anything ill pm you about this situation.... dont stress yourself too hard boolean. If i have evidence, i have it.....
I don't appreciate the fact that you're not taking this seriously. Locking up your thread. Make a new one when you're ready, with the evidence to support your appeal. And since you've mentioned my IGNs a few time here and there, I'd like to make it clear that I don't vouch for anyone and I stand equal for all appeals.