Closed Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban Appeal' started by stunk, Nov 19, 2017.

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  1. stunk

    stunk Donator

    May 17, 2016
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    Character Name: Stunk
    Last thing you did: Leeched @ ob2
    Why do you think you got banned?: Probably something to do with Charlie?
    Ban message when attempting to log in:
    What GM banned you (optional): Doesn't Say
    Yan, Amrit, Tay Siang Ang and 14 others like this.
  2. Tim

    Tim Administrator

    Apr 14, 2014
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    You were banned for being involved with Charlie's illegit item scheme yes
    Toothpaste, Vatsug, Sengi and 19 others like this.
  3. stunk

    stunk Donator

    May 17, 2016
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    Can I see the evidence you have proving this? Or is this another: guilty until I prove myself innocent type deals?
  4. Tim

    Tim Administrator

    Apr 14, 2014
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    we do have anonymous evidence of your connection to his scheme.
    Vatsug likes this.
  5. stunk

    stunk Donator

    May 17, 2016
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    So what you're saying is, you're banning me, and not willing to show or discuss the evidence? I am more than willing to find whatever proof you need to prove myself innocent, but I can't do that unless I know what I'm being accused of. If you'd prefer that the evidence isn't exposed to the "public" do you mind PM'ing me whatever you have?
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2017
    nezaro, Tay Siang Ang, Skyra and 9 others like this.
  6. Tim

    Tim Administrator

    Apr 14, 2014
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    you're being accused of being in a group of three players that were abusing intern GM powers for personal gain and real world trade. Feel free to defend yourself if you believe you're not guilty of this as this is your ban appeal
    Vatsug, Sengi, iCookies and 16 others like this.
  7. stunk

    stunk Donator

    May 17, 2016
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    Alrighty well since we're being vague I guess I'll go off what I think this is related to? The fact that I was selling what used to be Charlie's Cape/Shoe on the forums before he was caught and banned for what he did. This dates back prior to when I scrolled the 13/4 Brown work glove. The first thing I'd like you to do is cross reference the dates of when I scrolled this glove, to when Charlie began his escapade of mass spawning the P Slimes, not sure if this is relevant, as I'm not even sure of the exact dates, but I feel it might be helpful. Anyways lets begin. - The day I scrolled / Posted the glove for reference.

    After scrolling this glove, and selling it - and the gloves I took as payment, I had give or take ~100b net worth on my account, most of which was in the form of Chaos / White scrolls, and about ~15b that @auntjaemima had owed me for selling him a 16att cape I had scrolled shortly after. After receiving all these items, I knew that I was in a position of massive wealth, and was going to help my friend Charlie, who was the entire reason I got into playing the server. He had a 17att 2 slot Brown work glove that he was working on finishing, as well as aspirations to finish scrolling his Zakum Helmet. Being in my position, I decided to lend him 35 White scrolls, which he then used to finish his items.

    The next day, the hype got to me, and I went on a massive scrolling expedition, using nearly all my scrolls, (which I believe was just under 200 chaos/whites at the time) I managed to come out with 3 items.

    A 22attack shoe which I sold to @William for 80b.
    A 20 attack PGC which I sold to @Tommy for 40b.
    And a 19attack shoe.

    I chose not to post these 3 items on the forums at the time, because it was the very next day after I had scrolled the 13/4 BWG, and I did not want all the attention (and soon to be accusations) of chaosing items. I decided to sell the items to Will and Tommy via Discord and sold to them within the week. At the time, Charlie's shoe was only 10 attack, as he was waiting to finish his overall (which he had streamed and finished the week before) and also for Christmas socks to be released in the future event. He decided to buy my Shoe off of me, adding to his debt that he already owed me.

    Some time later, I had been paid by Tommy and Will, and to nobodies surprise was ready to keep the chaos scrolling going. This is probably right around when Charlie's P Slime activity begins, as he started to give me semi-finished FS and PGC as forms of payment. Not being that frequent, I didn't think much of it, as far as I knew he was selling leech (cause the dude almost had 3 Lv200 mages lol), was acquiring these items by feeling lucky chaosing, and handing them off to me to finish and also pay his debt. However as Chaos scrolls go, it obviously didn't amount to too much.

    Not quite sure where my wealth was at this point in time, but I decided to stop wasting time on pointless chaosing, and decided to make a Dark Knight. After much talk with @Nessi and other guildies, I bought a pair of Perfect Sky Skiies off of @Brad Dhanpaul , a 16/2 cape, and a 16/2 shoe.

    Pretty much being the entirety of my bank at the time, I decided to risk it for the biscuit (as i've been a little known to do from time to time). And as per my video which is in the video's section of the forums scrolling it, it obviously didn't work out as planned. I was feeling real bummed and wasn't quite sure what to do. This is when Charlie reached out to me, and told me that he probably wasn't going to be doing much bossing, so I could use his cape, and shoe (that wasn't entirely paid off yet). I take them, and continue to buy leech on my Dark Knight hoping to power level to 135 and grind out Ob4 so that I could HT whenever it came out (soonTM). It was after this, that Charlie received the banhammer and everything was revealed. At this point, I had even LESS motivation to boss, considering my future boss partner was perm banned.

    On the day of his ban, I hadn't spoke to him, And didn't talk to him a few days after. I had a conversation with @Shiyui in the FM about the whole situation, explaining to her that I hadn't spoke to him in days and that the whole thing made no sense to me. Seeing what happened now, the situation - while not right in any way, at least makes sense to me now.

    After selling my items - cape/shoe for ~40b each, skiies for 22 I think?, 15/3 SCG which I scrolled and sold to @Nessi for 50b (which I now realize was one of Charlie's fabricated gloves that I had chaos'd from 10/4, which is also recorded and on the forums) and receiving most of the payment from @auntjaemima on the 16att cape I had lent him at the beginning of this whole journey, I think roughly matches my current wealth matched on my account which is about ~330 whites/chaos? Spent a little but I think roughly It adds up, and for now I've just been chilling buying leech, not quite sure what to do on the server.

    Glove thread and video for reference:

    So again, since we're being vague, I thought I'd take the more civilized approach, and would explain everything I have done over the last month or so on Royals, and we can go from there. As for this "3rd person" I'm really not sure who you could even be referring to, besides a few friends that I had arranged forum trades for because they didn't have established accounts. And finally for the RWT accusation, I'm REALLY gonna need some proof on that one lol, I'm not sure how you can even accuse me of that and hide it behind an "anonymous report", but I'm very willing to have an open discussion about the entire thing. Please feel free to go back and check all of the sales I have mentioned in this thread, I tried to tag as many people as possible who can also vouch for my story, and can confirm that what I am saying is true.
    neverIucky, ikiru, Skyra and 38 others like this.
  8. Tim

    Tim Administrator

    Apr 14, 2014
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    - you claim to have scrolled the glove on october 29th however charlie started abusing intern powers for personal gain as early as september 14th which would give your group plenty of time to gather and sell / scroll equipment from an illegit source.

    - What day is this? did you use any character to purchase scrolls / clean equipment to scroll from merchants by chance that i could check on? or did you get the clean equipment (thats subjected to the godly system which makes scrolling such high atk gear much easier) from the P slimes that charlie spawned as I suspect.

    - What were you afraid of exactly? this makes you look many times more suspicious right now.

    Hampa, Vatsug, MoriForest and 21 others like this.
  9. stunk

    stunk Donator

    May 17, 2016
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    As for your first point, I was not entirely sure of the dates which is exactly why I asked, however (if I may ask) I'd like you check when he started MASS spawning them, I believe the number was 29,000 according to your meme? He could've very easily figured out that they existed, then had a second thought two months later and thus beginning the mass spawn. Again, not sure if that is any bit factual but I just wanted you to check in case it could prove anything to help me.

    It also doesn't make any sense that, if Charlie has been abusing this method for months now, why in October did I sell all of my gear on my mage, and put all my wealth into scrolling a 3/6 BWG? As far as we've been told, the only glove that the P Slimes dropped were Stormcasters, and I had scrolled nothing but BWG for weeks before I even touched a shoe, or a cape. Hell, even before I made the 13/4 BWG, I had sold one 8/5 to @Nessi , one to @Zenoooo , and one to Charlie, to which they all paid ws/cs. The only reason I even decided to chaos the 4th 8/5 I made, was because Zenoooo had made a 16/3 and I was extremely jealous that I hadn't been the one to chaos it and make the esteemed 25att glove. If I had this "income" so to speak from this method, why would I ever risk chaosing a 15b item - as I did with the 8/5 that eventually turned 13/4?

    For arguments sake lets say I was apart of this "group" you mention. Do you really think the BEST way to accumulate a mass amount of wealth, would be to sell these fabricated items, buy 3/6 brown work gloves, and then chaos them hoping to get lucky? Because all I did from the 15th of October, to the 29th of October (2 weeks) was chaos BWG. You can check how many 3/6 BWG I bought from people like "individual" or "wispx" or "slurps" in their merchants. If the number was over 20 I wouldn't be shocked. The narrative just simply doesn't add up based on my history in the market before I was ever involved in receiving items from Charlie, which was all based on money he owed me anyways.

    An imagine for context:

    Acme Guild Discord: This is right after I sold all my mage gear and decided to scroll a 3/6 brown work glove. If it didn't go well I was simply going to quit, as I would have nothing left on the server. Date being October 15th. This began my very legitimate method of amassing wealth which was to simply chaos 3/6 BWG and sell them at 8/5, which is a trend that has clearly caught on considering these 3/6 BWG went from being 1b to 1.3b after people saw how successful I was at chaosing them.


    (Sorry for the shitty screenshots, my laptops resolution isn't large enough to get it as one image, I can update it when I am on my PC)

    Secondly, As I don't remember the EXACT day, I know that it was very close to around the time after I sold the 13/4. After the sale of the glove, most of my bank was in the form of WS/CS, though I do remember buying maybe 3-4 pairs of clean FS in the FM for mesos. I believe most of my purchasing was done though via seeing items smega'd or through the forums. As far as who exactly I traded and what I bought, I have honestly been buying so many items in the last month that I wouldn't be able to tell you what exactly I bought off of who and for how much, simply because it would be nearly impossible for me to remember(although however after writing this post for 45 minutes I slightly recall buying clean FS off of "individual" in their store, not entirely sure but thought I'd add it). The only things that really stick around in my memory are the bigger sales which I have mentioned. However, I can say, that I know the 19att FS were scrolled first, and then yes likely, as a form of payment from Charlie, I was given P Slime-generated items without my knowledge, in making the next two items. Also remember, before making ANY of these items, Charlie had owed me 35 white scrolls that I had lent him after selling my glove, so If I happened to have received an illegit item from him in payment of that debt, I wouldn't be able to put it past them being generated from the Slimes.

    For your last point of not "publicly" selling the items. It's not like I was hiding the fact that I was selling these items. People in my guild (Acme) knew that Tommy was buying the 20att cape, and that Will was buying the 22att shoe. To say that I was "afraid" is not a fair way to put it. I simply did not want the attention, and hate, of being successful on the forums. I had people like (not to call people out but I have to mention them for context) @GGWellPlay and @87Karlos who would constantly be in the shoutbox, calling for me to investigated (mostly only Karlos was pushing that), or being extremely salty/hating on the fact that in such a short amount of time, I managed to scroll a glove that was worth 80b. Now imagine the uproar if I posted a 22att shoe and a 20att cape? I didn't want any part of it, so I decided to sell to people who had already reached out to me in case I scrolled another good item (which was quite a few people), instead of posting it publicly.

    I'd like to add this. I want it to be crystal clear that yes, I chaos'd items that Charlie received from these P Slimes. Could some of the godly items I made have been generated from these Slimes? It's very likely, But in NO WAY was I involved in the scheme to abusing them. I am as much involved, as anyone else who bought items from Charlie's shop while he was doing this, or bought any other item from him for that matter, because who knows how long this has actually been going on for, I just happened to be in the wrong place at the right time, with him being in debt to me, and me being very trigger-happy with Chaos scrolls.

    I am doing my best to prove my innocence here, and although I can't do that very effectively because frankly, I still haven't been given the evidence that is being used against me, I am doing my best to create a reasonable doubt. Not to bore you, but if you have ever seen the movie "12 Angry Men" it was a movie made in 1957, that has to do with a court case regarding a boy killing his own father. Of the 12 jurors, 11 assumed he was instantly guilty, but one man had a "reasonable doubt". For the remainder of the movie, he pushed the point that those who thought the boy was guilty did not need to think he was innocent, but rather that you cannot convict someone if there is a reasonable doubt. Its extremely hard for me to prove I'm innocent, for a multitude of reasons, but I hope that what I am saying has created some room for thought, and explains my perspective, which I hope can create a reasonable doubt.

    Lastly, I would like to propose a medium to all of this. Currently my account has around 330 ws/cs on it. Although I think it's not fair, I would be willing to give up any wealth I may have gained because of Charlies actions. While of course I would prefer not to part with that much money, I understand that the Staff do not have a vendetta against me, but rather a responsibility to enforce justice and keep the server full of integrity. The amount of wealth I received from Momo after selling him my glove was 80b/430 per scroll, being 186 scrolls. Allow me to log on and trade an admin the remainder of Chaos/Whites, leaving me with the same amount of wealth I had before any of the events with Charlie even occurred. Again, while of course I would hate to part with this money, I understand that even without my knowledge, I had an unfair advantage, and shouldn't be able to profit from it. I hope this seems like a reasonable compromise.
    Afkin, neverIucky, Sehkula and 27 others like this.
  10. Tim

    Tim Administrator

    Apr 14, 2014
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    - P Slimes were mass spawned since sept 14th yes.
    - You refer to Discord a bunch of times in your chats which makes us believe your main communication took place there between you, Stomp and Charlie.
    - In a short period of time you were chaosing all sorts of gloves, capes and shoes and being a self proclaimed chaos addict which would be very difficult to fund from the sales of your finished products from clean basic items (2 atk fs, low atk PGCs) unless they had some godly attack from the start.
    Hampa and Vatsug like this.
  11. stunk

    stunk Donator

    May 17, 2016
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    A few things to respond with:

    1) I'll repeat myself again when I ask you, if they have been mass spawned since September 14th, why am I being accused of being in on his scheme when I did nothing but chaos brown work gloves up until the end of October? Did the Slimes drop Brown Work Gloves? You can find in my forum history that all of sales are legitimate, I even have multiple videos on the forums showing me chaosing these gloves, and selling virtually nothing else until after I sold the 13/4 to Momo.

    2) So because I prefer voice chat over in-game text when the chat blurs into the background means that I'm guilty? My preferred method of communication doesn't have any merit when it comes to finding me guilty of the claims you're accusing me of.

    3) Yes, as I mentioned earlier if you cared to read, it was very obvious that items I was chaosing were from Charlie's Slime charade. I made mention of that, and admitted to that, but let me say again, that I was receiving these items by the fact that Charlie owed me money for a shoe I scrolled that was made legitimately. And for clarification, no I am not a "self-proclaimed" chaos addict, the entire community labelled me as one when I started becoming successful. Never did I say that every single item I scrolled came from a low attack FS or PGC. I was receiving items from Charlie that were not legit, without the information or knowledge that were such. Are you going to ban everyone who purchased something from Charlie's shop while he was doing this and happened to chaos his items into successful ones? Because by precedent you probably should.

    I'd also like to add that you still have yet to prove any of my points false, but simply just tack on more questions every 3 days. If the burden of proof falls on me in this case (Which is a joke to begin with), then what have you done to prove otherwise? Can you prove that anything I've said is bluntly false? And if you can't, how can you still justify a ban? Not to mention, I'm defending myself openly, in front of the entire community, without even knowing what EXACTLY I'm being accused of, or even the evidence being used against me.

    With all due respect, your claims are all based on "unlikely-hoods". Let me ask you Tim, was it "Unlikely" for you to drill two very good chaos on your Sock? How about your Cape? Or your FS? or your SCG? Do you see me sitting here accusing you of unlikely hoods? No, because in this game there is a luck factor. You got lucky. I got lucky. In this case, I had the unfortunate situation of being stuck with someone who was feeding my illegitimate items, which I've already said I am willing to give up any wealth gained by them, and return back to my previous state. I am not trying to skate my way around the system, I've been 100% honest with you and the rest of the staff the entire time, and have received a shotty trial at best in the process.

    Again, I respect the work you put into the server and your drive to keep the integrity of the players, but let this be an example to the community. A player is being banned for being successful, and in the appeal was shown no evidence, was not combated on any points, and was still banned based on "anonymous evidence", even after trying explaining their entire story face up, and even willing to compromise for what transpired. I don't think that's an example you want to set.

    also P.S - Have we just dropped the entire RWT thing? Cause you accused me of that 9 days ago and haven't mentioned it since.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2017
    Afkin, neverIucky, Sehkula and 25 others like this.
  12. Evan

    Evan Donator

    May 29, 2015
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    Just to clarify, the reason you're not being shown evidence is because the reporter requested it stay anonymous. Just because Tim won't show it to you doesn't mean there isn't grounds for the ban and just to be completely transparent the evidence is there, I saw it.
    Afkin, Vatsug, Ray and 2 others like this.
  13. stunk

    stunk Donator

    May 17, 2016
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    Well then in all due respect please find a way to show me this evidence while keeping this person "anonymous", so I can disprove it and we can be done wasting our time with this, because as much as the staff may not believe my claims, I have just as much reason not to believe yours. It's simply not reasonable to ban me and not give me a fair shot at defending myself, because someone prefers to stay anonymous. I'll express again, that if you wouldn't like to show the entire server what the evidence is, please send me a PM and we can resolve the issue there, but please don't make me wait another 4 days, to give another excuse as to why I can't see it.


    By the way, this seems real fair huh Tim? Your good buddy decides to abuse a bug, and he gets off with a temp ban? It does seem as if you took any wealth he gained from the situation though.

    But wait... It's almost like I suggested the same thing and have been talking to a brick wall the whole time? Another great example being set for the community. Ex-GM's receive more fair and reasonable treatment, whereas the regular players, don't receive much treatment at all it seems.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2017
    neverIucky, Lunch, Tranquilo and 21 others like this.
  14. Tim

    Tim Administrator

    Apr 14, 2014
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    we have reason to believe you were knowingly involved in illegitimate schemes with Charlie and another friend of yours based on the anonymous evidence provided to us.
    The reporter of this evidence wishes to remain anonymous which we respect and in no way are we obligated to provide you with this evidence upon your request.
    Furthermore we have the right to ban you at any point under any circumstances as can be found in the terms and conditions you agreed with upon account creation as can be read in the paragraph leading into the rules:

    We have provided you with the suspicions you're banned for:
    - possibly involved in real world trading
    - involvement with Charlie and other friend while knowingly abusing Intern GM powers for personal gain

    Our suspicions haven't been debunked by your explanations so far as I indicated the start of the mass slime spawning was before you pointed out, and you have been behaving suspiciously during the time of Charlie's abuse in your chat logs and direct sales to people on Discord to as you put it 'avoid attention'.

    You admit you were with someone feeding you your illegitimate items. On top of that our evidence points out you knowingly got those for which you've been permanently banned.

    You can say its my word against yours, however I as a staff member am in the position to ban you for breaking the game rules based on an anonymous report and assist you on your ban appeal. Other staff members confirmed that this ban is not unjustified and actually has a legitimate source. I have no personal vendetta against you nor do I have any reason to lie.

    Regarding Dimitri's ban his case is quite different than yours as he came forth himself and reported a glitch he had been using for an unfair advantage which he regretted later on, and he has been permanently banned.
    Hampa, Cheersy, StrickBan and 15 others like this.
  15. stunk

    stunk Donator

    May 17, 2016
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    Welp, I can see I've tried everything and you simply won't be convinced. Good job! Your anon evidence holds up, so lets speak some truths.

    It all started with the original 13/4 I made (which was entirely legit btw, wasn't lying about that one). Sold that to @Momo for 80b. After that, Charlie decided to start mass spawning them, seeing as he could do it all day because every other GM was so inactive that the only time he wasn't able to, was when Andreas logged in every 4 days. One thing the public may not have known, is that every item was affected by godly system. The items were but aren't limited to:

    9/5 PGC
    11/5 SCG
    8/5 FS

    All the video's I made were used as potential cover ups in case something like this were to happen. (@Nessi sorry bro I love you but your glove was a fake too) I ended up deciding that with the supposed infinite money I had, I'd fund a character.





    I'd say it went pretty well huh?

    Then, after a week or two, Charlie was caught and banned, and I went into full RWT mode. Only managed to make ~$500 before my account was banned though, but not bad for a weeks work. I was surprised to see that I hadn't gotten caught, but then I remembered that drop logs didn't work, which means that RWT is literally not traceable unless you're dumb enough to sell to Yan. When Kai mentioned that Charlie is the joke of 2017 in the meme page, it really got me thinking to what the real joke of 2017 is. New source. And hell, its probably the Joke of 2018 as well because the game is still not fully functional. New source was a joke that was rushed and has destroyed the server because of it.

    But enough about me, lets think of some other jokes shall we? In ranked order we have:

    1) New Source
    2) @Buccaneer Giving away his gear to an e-girl, and then crying like a baby about how @Seb scammed him.
    3) @Dimitri Flaming Charlie for all the "disgusting" things he did, and then coming out two weeks later for doing the same thing LOL
    4) The fact that you guys banned me over a year ago and still haven't found out? cmonBruh

    Honorable mentions / Shoutouts:

    @87Karlos Stay salty my dude, I know you're still living in 2016 but hopefully when 2018 comes around you can realize Chaos scrolls aren't worth 300m anymore

    @Shiyui I'm really not sure if you're just insanely nice or insanely devious, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. You should prob keep those cringe conversations between you and Tim in Discord though.

    @aolin Your time is soon my friend :) Thanks for buying my gloves btw

    @Buccaneer Don't fall for the e-girl trap next time bud, and when you do, just take it like a man.

    @Michael While I haven't spoke to you for long, you're a cool dude and it's too bad that you left Staff. (For pretty obvious reasons now but still)

    @irmy reppin' the opportunity squad \o7

    Ty for all the people who believed what I was saying the entire time, I almost had myself convinced that I was innocent LOL
  16. Tim

    Tim Administrator

    Apr 14, 2014
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    Good riddance.
    Sanrotoky, shanglelxd, Hampa and 92 others like this.
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