I am not romanticize it,i just told about the fact.RWT is definitely wrong,and i believe if it wont be controled,it will destroy whole market and make legal player harder and harder to play in this game in the end.Try to imagine ws/cs sell at 2b in fm,everything gone then.This is the end of maplestory in china after GAME-STUIO getting in.
imagine this https://www.vice.com/da/article/zn5...f-dollars-a-month-from-playing-computer-games but applied to mapleroyals
As far as I am concerned, I don't see any solutions to RWT and multi-client and multi-vote because they are all hard to define. If one person uses two devices in two ip and he does perfect work to isolate the two devices' activity how do you know they are controlled by one person or two persons, even Google can't confirm that. RWT is even harder to define. Basically, perfect anti-hacking program is not going to happen here. The only thing we could do is make things easier for those common players like setting up npc selling ws/cs which won't prevent RWT but will help common players get their ws/cs in a more reasonable way. The other thing we could do is continue banning on those hacking, make hackers pay for their behavior and they may come back with another hacking account and we ban it again, believe it or not, people may be willing pay one month salary to game but how about two month or even more, ban them and make them pay! When many hacking accounts get banned, other potential hackers may dare not hack considering the high risk but no offense, this gonna take GM a lot of attention and I truely doubt the GMs have the time.
luls i woke up today and was like you know what i miss? ban reports and things like this on mapleroyals. it’s been like over a year since i’ve been here and man am i not disappointed bye bye