I recently return to game. Nothing left, but a chair. C.0: 4 CS by icOrsa1rs Aw: 5 Cs. Will let go on Monday 27th Updated Sold to ic0rsa1rs for 4cs. On Monday 27th. Girl Chrismax outfit set SB :100M C.O 100M AW : 300m Will let go on Monday 27th Also . Bonus. Any couple post here can have a free effect event NX. BF 0 left GF 2left Bonus for new players. recently join. or still very noob now. Free 2rd hand cloth and shoes. Post below you want. <X. Y> Only take one for each player. jimm <1.4> emper<1.1> Hope everyone had a great black friday.
Yikes, confused your A/W date with the auction end date. If, in fact, the auction ends this coming Monday, my bid may be retracted by Saturday night as I'm currently chasing another chair of equal sentimental value. The trade is scheduled to take place on Saturday. I will post back to let you know. Until then, my bid holds.