Hey, this may be a suggestion, or a complain, take however it is, but I'm trying to help not only me but more people who is going through the same I do. Long story short, I have a lot of logging issues plus not being able to CC or get into cash shop because it will dc me as well. I've posted plenty of times on technical support what is going on, a solution or you know what? not even a solution, but an answer. I know most of new players (which may be a lot) who has problems and post them correctly, just get ignored by almost everyone who reads it. Cmon, at least say ''idk'' or ''I wish your problem get fixed'' but nope. We just need/want answer from anyone, and I know I'm being selfish asking for this but... If you're a moderator/administrator/gm/whatever at leat give us players help instead of focusing on something else. I bet Royals have lost quite a lot of possible players because of this, everyday I read the forums all the problems and all of them 0 answer. If you're here to help, please pay more atention to this because it is important for us the relation on this topics. PS: I'm not from the US or whatever country where the english is learnt in a good way. I learnt myself playing games since I was 9 so sorry.
The problem with this is, Most of the problems in the "Technical Help" section can be resolved by looking around at some guides, or some simple googling, most of the help in Character Issues can usually only be solved by administrators (or so i assume). You can always be one of the first ones to stand up and help others if that's what you hope for.
I do agree with you that most of those threads go unanswered. But if you search it up, you can see that we have answered to tons of the same questions. Nonetheless, I will forward this feedback to the team. We hope to improve from it. Regarding active mods, at least one of us are online at any given time. You might not see us appearing as "Staff Online Now" simply because we chose to hide our online activity.
I hope so but mine isnt around there either I would be SUPER happy playing safely doing normal stuff like cc or enter cs. Thanks, and I will try research more and maybe help some people who are in need, hope you can find solution to my problem though, it has happened in 3 different houses with different internet.