good luck on crafting bfuries, i gave up after 11 months and 2k+ hours spent trying to get this shit done *drops mic*
Correct, I acknowledged this in the original post. There is no problem with the balance between Sparta, Carabella, and RK. It is true that the RK already has a role and place in Royals already. But that role is absolutely overshadowed by the Pyrope sword. As stated in the original post, I disagree with the role that the Red Katana should have in this server; I think that the Red Katana should be an end game choice for solo 1h sword heroes and paladins, as it was in pre big bang MS. Instead, the Pyrope sword subverts the Red Katana, with it being an objectively better 1h sword, despite being a post Big Bang addition in a Pre Big Bang server. The balance between the RK and Sparta/Carabella is not an issue. Sparta/Cara is better with Speed Infusion whereas RK is better solo. However, the Pyrope sword is best in slot for solo heroes.
Pretty much all event items over shadow any item. Maple earrings > reg drop New Beginnings ring > krexel 2 carrot love ring > krexel Pilgrim hat > zhelm Sock > FS I could go on dude. just play at the time of the event and get your own. should we balance fs to sock status? no. should we balance krexel ring to have wep atk? no. should we balance rk to have more atk, str, and acc? no.
Most of these items are Pre Big Bang items, although some have had their stats modified. Pre Big Bang item balance in this server is not a problem. In fact, pre-BB item balance is what this server should strive for. The Pyrope sword(Post Big Bang) however renders the Red Katana obsolete. Here is one compromise that you seem to have not acknowledged, if you could humour me and do so: This is, of course, completely disregarding Muff's and Evan's discussion about end game weapon obtainability.
With a level 10 sword as well. This is beside the point. You and I have different definitions and interpretations of what obsolete means.
Red katanas are great & all but they shouldn't solely recieve a buff to match The Maple Pyrope swords stats,They're unique and have their own purpose in-game for different situations & personally they are my favorite weapon for warriors. On an other note the Event Maple weapons where players who are lucky enough to play during those times may get the weapon they're after,But what about new players that join the week after or months later when those events are long gone and have no hope in finding their gear. If the GM's could make some sort of compromise to allow The exclusive Event Maple weapons to be obtainable another way year round that could help balance out the gap between RedKatana>Event items. Lets say one idea that could be fair would be by Returning in 5 maple weapons of the same class swords,bow,claw,wand,etc level 64 + ( X X X X ) amount of mesos to upgrade and transform into a Maple Pyrope item which then would help everyone who wishes to use Pyrope items as their main core gear.
IMO, the Pyrope sword detracts from the RK's uniqueness. Why not kill two birds with one stone then? Leave RKs that drop from normal mobs unbuffed, but along with the Pyrope weapon exchange idea that you proposed, also have a special RK that matches the Pyrope sword's stats.
Why are you assuming MapleRoyals's goal is to deliver nostalgy? that's for the owner to decide rofl and he hasn't said that it is it's goal anywhere.
What in tarnation is nostalgy? On the front page: "Welcome to MapleRoyals! We are a Nostalgic MapleStory Private Server! 3.2x EXP / 4x Meso / 2x Drop" If it wasn't a goal it wouldn't be on the front page. That message should be taken down if it isn't a goal, that would be extremely misleading. Of course, nostalgia is subjective to everybody. if you want to be nit picky, i can be nit picky too. you're mixing up the description and the GOAL. goal ɡōl/ noun the object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result. "going to law school has become the most important goal in his life" synonyms: objective, aim, end, target, design, intention, intent, plan, purpose; More the goal of this server is for the owner to decide and he doesn't have to share it with the public, it could be making money like 99.99% of company's, fuck over nexon, be in a position of power, provide good gameplay etc.. "If it wasn't a goal it wouldn't be on the front page. That message should be taken down if it isn't a goal." i'll let every company know they have to provide their goal in the description of their product, thanks for letting everyone know where to announce their goals!
The statement on the front page is probably to describe the goal of the server, in my opinion. This interpretation, of course, is subjective. My apologies if you have a different opinion. From Royals FB page: "Try MapleRoyals! MapleRoyals offers a nostalgic experience, the way you remember it, with a large community where you can easily find your place." We should probably keep this on topic.
using a gif as an argument simply shows you have no argument. you still didn't prove how a description necessarily has to show the goal, no need to keep quoting random shit from websites unless it's Matt himself saying "I made this server because X" From the man himself. Matt's goal is to create an environment to return to the past. I believe that the server description reflects this goal. I welcome your perspective on this. Nostalgia /näˈstaljə,nəˈstaljə/ A wistful or excessively sentimental yearning for return to or of some past period or irrecoverable condition; also : something that evokes nostalgia Can we get back on topic now?
now this is what i'm talking about - proof of the owner of the server giving his goal. i must say though, if you knew about this comment all along, you should have linked it, and not refereed me to a server description, which is not necessarily the server's goals as I have already said. i'm sure many server owner's only goal is to make money and they wouldn't include it in the description.. Nostalgy is the old way of saying Nostalgia, it's normal in my mother tongue hence why i used it. if you want to go back on topic, don't create openings for more discussion