I think that since the hiatus and many new players unable to achieve the level 30 of their skills (Blizzard 30, meteor 30, zerk... etc) there should be an implementation of these books in gachapon; at least until HT comes back. I think it would discourage many players who want to max out their skills on these jobs, as Meteor 30 I saw today for 8 ws (and has no guarantee of working!) Feedback appreciated ^_^
Tbh you post at wrong section for, if it's a feedback should be post at feedback section. @Evan Nonetheless not a bad suggestions! I would agree with this suggestion.
Sorry i am against this suggestion. The reason HT books was quite pricey pre new source because it isnt obtain easily. This would screw up the price and people wont even bother to HT for money lol. At least for me.
Perhaps staff could distribute the books among the current bosses we have like zak krex bg and toad . Ofc gen and mw should be in the bg or toad drop list. Just an idea ofc
If its like gacha, it will be like cs/ws. You get lucky. Maybe 4-5 in a row and he gonna be baller af. lmao. Adding it into toad, grandpa would be more balance like karlos suggested.
Fixed it for you. I think I'd rather them spend time on getting HT implemented than coding new drop tables for existing bosses.
yup. a good friend of mine had 4 gen 20 books fail and quit the server. any game designer would agree this mechanic is insane as players need to grind their ass's off for 1.5b just to have it blow up in their face, and then do it all over again... it's ridiculous.
Took them long enough to implement NPC Lv20 and Lv30 skillbooks in actual servers. One of the better things that I like about post Big Bang patch. Off topic: BUFF PALADINS! LUL
The reason HT is taking time to be implemented is because the autoban system takes a lot of trial and error to perfect. Staff has decided that HT will not be released before autoban is released, in part due to the highly desired book drops. If these were distributed among the other bosses, we'd have a similar problem. I do appreciate that HT exclusive books are ridiculously expensive and that its having a huge effect on the current endgame so I do pray that everything goes smoothly and it can be implemented soon(TM).
I was talking about Meteor30 with a friend last night. I bought mine for 80m, and it was in July (7th month of new source and no HT). How come a book that would never go up to 100m become 4b? I know they should not be changed, since it's the highest challenge to defeat HT to get them, but it's been almost a year with no HT. How many players do you plan to lose without such books being available again? I don't fully agree with making them available through Gachapon (Free NX + Abuse Voters) But making them being dropped from random high leveled bosses would be a viable and temporary solution until you fix HT.
I'm pretty sure staff members have hinted that HT was going to be released very soon (as they've said for a while now) so I would hold off on making any of these changes before HT actually comes back out. When HT is re-released, that's when prices for these books will drop dramatically.
I've seen somewhere saying that HT wouldn't be fixed before February. That's not soon enough. And I don't think that prices will go down that fast as they went up.
I don't think rwters people would wait for another 2-3months to max their end game skills. Besides, I don't think that there is a need to max genesis/meteor/bliz/tt/serk/mw since the hardest boss out there is the toad and theres no need to allow new mages and bishops to 1hit ulu1/ulu2/petris/skeles earlier because of the current meso generation rate.
I'm not sure about the estimation for February, there have been endless rumors floating around that put the re-release of HT at question. My message was simply based off what Tim said on the Shoutbox yesterday regarding HT, it was somewhere along the lines of "don't invest into HT books right now, inside information blah blah" because people were poking fun at him in light of the Dimitri "scandal". Prices will obviously hover for a while, that's how any basic economy works. People will attempt to capitalize on the prices of these skillbooks the second they're re-released but will quickly realize that many are running HT and skillbooks will be releasing at a steady rate. With that said, the server has been without HT for months now, old players who were capable of HTing before, are probably still around, and players who joined in the recent months, are probably capable of HTing now. With that said, it's safe to assume that the amount of people capable of HTing on the server nowadays are relatively high (this is an assumption) and this will drive prices now (all of these are assumptions based off past-experience on servers where this has happened before). I'm pretty sure they will wait the 2-3 months. They've waited so long already, what's another 2-3 months? lulululululul. SOONTM.
... that sounds incredibly selfish. My bishop from old source still doesn't have gen30, and I still can't 1hit ulu2 despite me being at lv 15x LOL. Giff me Gen30 plz.
Same for my Bishop. I even gave up and made a Mage. I'm not rushing to level up my Marksman, been 12x for two months already, because I don't want to get up to 140~150 without Snipe30. I'll have to wait months for it to be at the real price again.