Here's me being super nitpicky. Perhaps I'm just blind, but for as long as I've played maple every time I see alliance chat I think someone is whispering to me. It's just a bit annoying. So would it be possible to change the alliance chat color? Doesn't seem to make sense that Nexon would make two chats green when they could've easily picked any other color!
They should also include the chat type in front, for exampe [All] blablabla, [Buddy] blablabla, [Whisper] blablabla, [Alliance] blablabla...
That's actually a very eloquent solution. Not sure how hard it is to change colour/add text like that though.
Evan, if you guys can figue out how to get the chat names up that could and would make a world of difference
Imo "Alliance" chat and "Whisper" chat looks nothing alike. "Party" chat and "Guild" chat does; often confuses me lol.
Although editing colors would be cool, those colors also play a part in this "nostalgia" . When I first joined Royals and saw that orange color it made me super happy because near the time where I quit GMS, my BL had been dead for a while. :/ Now when Wedding/APQ is gonna be fixed, party/guild/spouse chat is gonna be even more confusing haha.
In old source we had a custom command that allowed you to change the colours of chat types. That may be something we can implement with new source too, though I'm not 100% sure so don't hold me to that.
Spoiler John 14:15 edit: Maybe it was a bit too forced.. the pieces are all there though.. lol joking aside While I agree to some degree, if what John says is possible, it's completely optional and visual. No one would know if you change it.