Ive been getting an unknown error sometimes while gaching at henesys during the past 10 days or so. I spent 76 tickets over 2 runs and have run into this close to 10 times. I feel like this happens when a global announced item is about to be gached since ive only gached 1 item that does that so far and that was right after i switched channels after the error occured.
I have been getting the exact same error message for multiple weeks now as well, and I've not been getting a single globally announced item either. This happened everywhere I have gached so far (kerning, henesys, NLC and shrine).
Do you lose the ticket when the unknown error happens? I've seen it happen but thought it was just an error lol!
Yeah tickets are still consumed. I should also mention while I'm at it that I have tried to gach on other characters as well as alt accounts, but the error still occurs.
Do you get any globally announced items at all? Because I believe that's what triggers the error in the first place. I don't get the error at all for normal/junk items, but get a few errors here and there in a gach run roughly equivalent to how many globally announced items I'd get in a run, and of course I don't get any of those sweet globally announced items at all.
Happened to me in shrine as well. I thought i was just not paying attention because i had less rewards than i should get but this could explain it.
I have gotten that error plenty of times. It seems to happen when you go too fast and the tickets don't disappear in time. It doesn't lower the amount of rewards. It only seems to just slow down the gaching time. I wouldn't worry about it. At least for me, it hasn't taken any tickets from me without reward.
I just did some testing with 105 tickets and it would seem that going too fast is indeed the culprit of the error. I could have sworn I tried going slower, but I obviously didn't go slow enough in the past and still got the error. This time I waited about 3-5 seconds in between gach attempts and got 0 errors and 3 globally announced items, which is obviously a result of bad luck though. So for anyone stumbling upon this thread with the error, calm down with the clicks and it should be fine.
I've had this error in several runs and especially on these runs 0 globally announced items, like especially when i get that error
Encountered this in Shrine as well. But whenever it happens I never pay attention to the amount of tickets left.
This error is due to a communication issue with the cash shop server, the same bug that occurs occasionally when you try to trade cash items. You will not lose your Gachapon ticket when encountering the error.
So this still hasnt been fixed yet, and I have confirmed that this error also consumes a ticket and does not give you an item. Seems to be happening to quite alot of people. Please fix this as i am sure this is has a very significant impact on gach items skyrocketing in price. I did a 400 tix run and ran into this like 50 times last month
Yeah right, I made a post about this a couple weeks ago, you do in fact lose your gach tickets, but the GM's want video proof as if they cant diagnose the problems themselves. Clearly there are numerous people losing gach tickets so Gm's need to stop saying that you dont lose them and actually fix the problem.