If we say what measures we are taking, it makes it easier for the RWTers to figure out how to circumvent those measures. If for example we were planting traps on RWT websites, it would be foolish for us to say that's what we're doing.
I was responding to your post which asked for a seemingly arbitrary announcement that I interpreted as a request for acknowledgement of a situation everyone already knew was happening. That’s not a strawman, that’s a reasonable response. If you don’t present information, I can’t answer it. This post is different and I understand your point more clearly now. I stand by the idea of not wanting to explain what they are doing in response to GM abuse and RWT - people knowing these staff actions makes it easier to abuse the fixes. As for the economy itself, there’s a whole thread dedicated to fixing the NX:meso imbalance that has gotten exactly two responses, both of which were vague and only one of which came into play, so I agree with the stance that staff should take more responsibility and prompt more discussion with the active playerbase to resolve economic problems currently plaguing us. I don’t believe staff has a strong enough understanding of the situation without player input. And I absolutely think that it’s extremely disappointing that players feel like you do - without any assurance that staff is even addressing this problem currently. It took almost a month to get anything out of the other thread, after three pleas for help, and all I got was one post that was written halfheartedly before bed and another claiming that things were being done... weeks later, when nothing had been done. I do believe that staff knows what is happening but I just don’t think they understand how bad things are - which is why I said I believe that Tentomon’s goal is to get them to acknowledge the magnitude of the problem. I suppose hearing what you actually intended to say rather than a two liner asking for an announcement, you believe the same thing, just in different words.
To further add to the post above me, I too, understand what helloss is talking about, however I believe there is too much emphasis on people believing that RWT is the root cause of everything (arguing it creates demand and so on), I believe that this is a silly thing to attempt to directly target and exterminate as RWT is prominent and mainly seen in MMO's and will always continue to exist - instead I believe there should be a mechanism, somehow, which incentivizes 'legit' players to play legit rather than to meddle with 'illegit' things, for example (unrelated) , there is no reason for any group of people with strong computing power to fork the legitimacy of the block chain transaction history and compromise its integrity as it would take an unreasonable amount of computing power (distributed or not) to compromise the existing chain, rather, with the computing power they have it would be in their favor to add a service to the block chain by being another vendor to process transactions, verify hashes, etc and get paid for it (less spent on their half for more potential gain). But in any case be sure to put your qualms to rest, having the auto-ban feature in place is probably whats being worked on and is the most important thing, laying 'traps' as you mentioned is more expended effort than possible reward gained. Once the auto-ban system is in place and prices continue to rise as some time passes, we can be safe to assume that this is a fundamental problem that lies within the game itself. One tidbit to the above though, every time you attempt to make a system more secure, the more redundancy and processing time you will add to the resulting outcome, as such its no easy task to find the absolute optimum of gameplay performance and gameplay integrity, a simple operation such as a 'check' to see if some player is hacking is going to be scaled up multiple hundreds (if not thousands) of times because of each individual player that is on this server, not to mention - how often do you add this check? Once every second? Once every minute? There is no simple answer, and it is very easy to guesstimate the limitations of the servers - as such it is easy to compromise and exploit the weaknesses it may have, there is also a limit on how good the integrity of a small private server can be, you may be simply comparing Nexon's servers which is a real life multi million dollar company to a privately hosted private server - there simply isnt enough $$$ to spend to justify on this game.
Fair enough! It totally depends on how you go about it, and how much thought and thinking outside of the box goes on when developing the solution.