@GodlyBread YOU HEARD JACKSON! Leaper only needs 6 more levels! @DzKnight MrRobot COME THRU WE NEED YOU @Dre Do I need to say anything?
I always wanted to replicate perma trans again #TLHype #CountMeIN IGN: CaptainDre Level: 193 MW20/Echo: Failed Mw20 2x fk that book @Lexy @Chiffon @AdultToys @Battōsai @Kekturi
IGN: 17strike Level: 155 MW20/Echo: lel I don't know if I can make that day since I'll be out of town, but I'll do my best I suppose. @Tim @StaticShock care to grace the run with your presences?
Why not get your shadower brethren in on this run? We're just as small a community and no one respects us either *cut cut cut*.
If I dont have any Christmas gatherings, I will join . Always wanted to try perma trans <3 IGN: Buccisshyt Level: 184 MW20/Echo: when HT is fixed lol