Name: Ken Chong IGN: Kennnnnnnnn Ethnicity: Chinese Age: 21 Location: East Coast US What made you want to join: Looking for a fun guild also IU - Kkot Galpi #2 is one of my favorite albums
Name: Eric IGN: Remile Ethnicity: Korean/Chinese mix Age: 22 Location: United States What made you want to join: I'm new to the server and looking for some people to meet. This guild looks promising with how it attracted me.
Hello! Find one of these great people in game to be added! pristln, minutiae, endearing, flavored, gogooma
Name: park IGN: donzom Ethnicity: Korean Age: 25 Location: seoul What made you want to join: my friend.
Name: Joe IGN: Eosph Ethnicity: Asian Age: 12 btw Location: US Reason: make some friends with the boys
Name: Chris IGN: GirlBendOver Ethnicity: Korean Age: 19 Location: US Reason: I'm korean and I was immediately attracted to the guild and would love to be a part of it!
Name: Ivan IGN: eyvnn Age: turning 13 next March btw Location: Canada Reason: grinding is boring without a solid guild like melon
Welcome! Look for Minutiae to be added in game! Lol I think you have to be 13 to even play this game... Come back after your next birthday! We'll celebrate together by adding you!