-"You can't be the best Bow Master without this bow."- https://image.TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu/na7m4m/bOW_v3.png C/O : A/W pending by Camello 122 Tagged Dragon Revolver + 9B coins by Ario A/W : 32B (80 CS/WS) Due to deflation of CS and WS, A/W has been changed. Accepting : Perfect Dragon Revolver @26B (65 WS/CS) CS & WS @ 400M Billion Mesos Coin Bow will be sold 3 days after the last uncontested bid. ~Whisper me in game~ IGN : Kitxy | Aurorette
I will give you an extra scroll for being an amazing guildie Spoiler: SPOILER Spoiler: SPOILER Spoiler: SPOILER Spoiler: SPOILER Spoiler: guess Spoiler: what Spoiler: it Spoiler: is Spoiler: another Spoiler: KITTEN Spoiler: OMG NO SPOILERS PLZ Spoiler: ok Spoiler: but like... Spoiler: ... Spoiler: ...seriously Spoiler: I'm Spoiler: just... Spoiler: GOING TO RETRACT TROLOLOLOL
Giving this bow 1 more week! if no one wants to a/w it, then this bow will stay with me till I hit level 200 and will definitely tag it with my Bowmaster's in game name in future!