Hey guys, I'm Peter, my IGN is Peepops. I joined a few days ago and love it here. You should all add me, I could use some friends, especially knowledgable ones. I'm also really into games and anime (who isn't) so I'd always wanna talk about that!
Welcome to Royals! Hope you enjoy your stay and if you ever need help, don't hesitate to post in the forums. I'm sorta knowledgeable in some areas but not to the extent of geek, a'ight? >_> Don't ask me for my IGN, why? Refer to what I listed as my guild Oh yeah, I'm into "ecch_", "action" and ha_em" -cough cough- Kidding! Currently re-reading Hunter X Hunter and Prince of Tennis! What do you recommend? A'ight nuff said! See you around!
I really wanna get into HxH!! And thanks Manny! I'm sure I will too Ahhh Vivienne!! One Piece is my FAVORITE!! We will make good friends!
HxH is good. It's also not that violent. Until you get to the CA arc that is. Then it just gets really messed up. Spoiler
Chimera Ants arc. Don't look up the arc, just watch the show/read the manga and be surprised. The surprise is worth it.
Yeah, I suggest you start from the beginning so you don't derp out when you reach certain chapters. The latest chapters are a complete turn off for me tho, it's mostly talking.
Hunter x Hunter is scheduled to start back up If you're interested in this season's new shows, Akame ga kill, Blue Spring Ride, and Monthly Girls' Nozaki kun are my favorites so far ! and of course STRIKE THE BLOOD