Albert in the FM is now in the spot where Scrooge the storage guy used to be. This is likely going to end up with more players accidentally npcing their high value items to Albert
Let’s put something in a place that people don’t expect, in a game that’s severely habit based, then disregard their feedback that this should be fixed (not refunded, just fixed!) by disparaging them! Classic staff. Put Scrooge back where he belongs.
Why do I feel like when they make great progress they take two steps forward but 1 giant leap back anyways? A simple fix would be the ~buyback command which for whatever reason isn't back for over a year. I guess this is an intentional meso sink.
You need to understand that my respond isn't an official staff reply right? No where in my post did I said anything about it being an official answer. It is my personal answer. And as a human being, I have all rights to be pissed when I'm accused for something that isn't my intention to begin with. Classic, always assuming everything posted by a player with a "GM" title = official respond. Edit: My respond earlier was NOT an official staff respond, but as a player. I honestly don't have a habit of "memorising" where NPCs are placed. In fact, I look at the screen when doing stuffs. Shit happens, yeah, but don't always rely on habit. Sometimes it takes personal effort to make sure things don't go south. By logic that's so far presented in this thread, it means that if I have stayed at an estate for 3-4 years, I should know my way around, closing my eyes as I walk. This is what I thought I could do, till the council decided to add 2 more community offices around it. So, long story short, open your eyes and walk. Don't always rely on habits. Again, NOT an official staff respond. Just a player ranting and giving his 2 cents.
Oh I don’t assume anything, nor do I have any problem with you in the slightest. But your response in this thread is rude and disparaging, and you are a member of staff whether your post represents them or not. Your post is rude to people, as an individual. Your stance, when you choose to not preface with an explanation, comes across as staff stance, because your post is prefaced with a staff title. And those two combined are scary, scary things. Do not make me out to be a villian when your position holds you back from sharing your personal opinions freely. Classic, assuming personal offense in a situation in which none existed.
You're absolutely right, and that's the reason why I choose not to reply to any feedback thread (until this thread, because I just had to). Because I can never give my personal opinions.
Don’t make this a thread about staff, back to Albert. personally I have npc’d something valuable once and have never done it again, I really didn’t notice they got moved cause they look completely different and when talking to the npc the menus they have should be enough to differentiate.
I guess it's easier for staff to do a whole bunch of mental gymnastics than to actually do something for players
Heres the thing, this is a simple mistake to make and the human race is known to make simple mistakes all the time. Have you put your shirt on backwards before? have you ever broken a dish? have you ever tripped on something? have you ever forgotten something you shouldnt have? Sure i probably only break 1 in 10,000 dishes i touch but in this game we are constantly npcing items hundreds of thousands of times per year and also storing thousands of items. Even if the possibility is 0.001% if we do it that often its not all that impossible to make such a simple mistake. We play maple to chillax, its not like high elo league of legends where you play and are expected to be hyper focused so please dont expect perfect awareness from the players, especially in this case where it raises the chance of this happening by like 50x
We all make mistake every once in awhile especially when it comes to habit. Changing the NPC position won't be difficult but it could takes a while for the Staff to doing so because of priority.
I think everyone needs to take a deep breath and stop thinking the staff is out to "get" the players. The simple fact is the FM map was recreated for Christmas and I believe the one who created it just plain forgot the exact order and placement of the NPCs. This was something that either wasn't noticed by all of the staff throughout the course of our testing and/or something that wasn't thought to be an issue at all since players could just read the NPC before clicking on it. This wasn't anything done intentionally, however, I do have to question why those who complained about being "tricked" did not look and read what NPC they were clicking on. So, while I do certainly understand the reason for the feedback, and the source of frustration for those who may have accidentally NPC'd something they didn't want to, can I please just ask those who play to try to be more careful and be more attentive when playing so that the staff has the flexibility when customizing maps for holidays and special occasions?
It is true that players should pay more attention to everything they do around the game. But, like someone above said, playing a game for years gives you some habits. I have the habit to click the key for "NPC Chat" right after I enter the FM Door, since the Storage guy is next to it. Could accidently sell something to Albert in case you're distracted by something/someone. Is it too hard to move it? I mean, would it take a long work time and a patch?
Man, this server is really big on the disproportionate comparisons to IRL. I propose a MapleRoyals Parallel to Godwin's Law: The first person to compare something that happens on Royals to someone being injured, sickened, imprisoned, killed, or seriously inconvenienced in the real world automatically loses the argument.
the simple point of that comparison is that people make simple mistakes and should not be expected to be perfectly aware of everything around them at all times. If someone expects someone to never npc a valuable item despite npc'ing 1000000's of items per year in the same inventory then they should also be expecting people look down at their feet 100% of the time they walk and never trip. Either way i admit it was not the best comparison but the main point is clear and I dont think there is much of a point in nitpicking past that
I don’t think anyone believes that this mistake was on purpose, and OP didn’t even ask for a refund. We just want the placement to be fixed to prevent any other unfortunate circumstances. An optional .wz fix would probably take about ten minutes to produce and post and is probably the most civil way to resolve this. Push it into the files on the site to have it come stock for anyone who hasn’t updated/downloaded yet and make it easy for anyone who wants to update to do so. Pointing the onus to us for a staff mistake just really feels bad... you’re not out to get us, we know, so can we have a fix then?