I see many people post and ask when would we be able to delete characters again. I'm also waiting for 2 months to delete my old character and create myself a new main character so - i wanted to ask - are you going to fix this problem soon or will it take some time?
Most people just create new accounts in order to play new characters. I would say you're better off doing that over waiting for an unknown length of time before all of the bugs are worked out of the system for Character deletions to be working again. Its not just the system of removing unwanted characters that needs to be fixed, but the entire PIC system that needs to be put in as thats the only way we could delete them before.
Thank you for the advice but i didn't ask what to do meanwhile, i wanted to know when will the problem get fixed.
As with many things that have been broken since New Source was implemented almost a year ago, there really hasnt been a solid answer on when certain features were going to be fixed. The answer is going to be unknown, and even if known will be withheld from the community to not get peoples hopes up and disappoint if there's a setback.
There isn't a specific time as to when this will be implemented again. However, Kevin just mentioned the other day that character deletions will come after Weddings/APQ are implemented as they are related.