The female thief top and bottom is much difficult to get compare males. The male thief top and bottom can be found from leech map. The market price for female equipment for females is also higher and it is difficult to find. Especially with the godly item feature. If we don't have that, the different will be minor. But with the godly item feature, I feel like there is a sexism in this game.
if anything female is easier, you just have to go up to thirsty dudes and ask to borrow items then not give it back. EZ cash
ye obviously, matt and the rest of the devs are oppressing women based on eqs!!!!!! jk but it should be equally as easy/hard to get equips for m&f, but the drops are based on old drop tables so trying to call out the devs here for sexism is just dumb.
There was a thread about it as well, but has yet to receive any reply from any of the staff members. It's sad because I've been playing all female characters since joining, and had too much trouble in trying to find a good bottom. Ended up making a male nightlord instead...
There would be a lot of work, but a good idea would be to make every mob drop both version of each equipment (F and M) that they used to drop. Ex: Ulu2 mobs drops red pirate top/bottom for male, so they'd also drop the same for female.
A lot of female equips are found in some of the most traditional grinding maps (deep ludi/Orbis), and they're just not used because of "better" alternatives. If it helps, some of the better male warrior equips (the dark lvl 80 overall for example) and such have a similar issue.
The inconvenience of acquiring gear is just part of the Maple experience, unfortunately. This is why I hunt most of my own stuff; up to level ~80, the exp is decent while doing so.
It is different with godly items. If the items are same as GMS, then most of the stats come from the upgrade. But in royals, the clean item can have 10 stats different between male and female. That is not fair.
Can you clarify which items you're referring to? I'm looking at pirate separates, which have matching base stats across both genders, and therefore have the same potential for godly (or terrible) stats.
Yea, on EMS before BB and skeles, deep Ludi was the main grind spot. Spirit vikings, death teddies and grim watches were the best exp. And they drop most of the female gear. I remember nearly everyone made female warriors and thieves because their gear was so much easier to get.
I think for thief bottoms that may be the case, but for warrior bottoms, female gear has better stats since it comes with both DEX and STR.
Honestly though, up to level 100 you can almost get by with anything you can get your hands on. And even after that, the female Katinas is very easy to acquire. As for the sexism involved in the game. I doubt the devs purposely make it harder for Woman to acquire equipment (if they even are involved at all.) Different monsters drop different gear. And the drop tables are virtually the same as GMS at v.62 so take it up with Nexon if anything. All jokes aside, if you're a Shadower and are looking for some of my hand me downs (mainly daggers) let me know
I had never said that they were the same? I said the drop tables are virtually the same as the Nexon developers had created them in v.62 GMS. The Royals devs don't purposely make female gear harder to acquire than male gear. Also Purple Osfa Pants (M) are dropped by 3 Monsters (One of which being Pap.) Purple Osfa Pants (F) are dropped by 4 Monsters. None of which being bosses. So if you want to debate that Maplestory drops are sexist based of the same items, it favours Female heavily.| Also those Purple Osfa Pants (F) have an incredibly high base LUK and STR before being scrolled. (4) Being the highest you can possibly get.