IGN:RafaPunk Problem:I lost my wand Details:before they did this server check I had my elemental wand 8 of 9/165 0slots now that I enter to change a quest I no longer have help please,I do not have any photos because I did not know what would happen because in this character I have never seen anything like it already searched in storage and in my objects and I do not have anything or want to put
For more than looking for I can not find anything help please I hope you can recast it with that I raise my level mules please
We understand the issue that caused you to lose this item, it was due to some debug code we left in the game which was quickly fixed after this report. I'm ready to refund you the item, but will need to meet you in game to do so. When you next log on can you please try whispering me on 'Matt'.