Hello, I recently made some money from gacha luck and I'm looking to upgrade my equips. I'm a lvl 112 DK, and I want to start getting good gear in preparation for bossing. This is what I currently have (I doubled the size so its easier to read): Spoiler Some suggestions would be much appreciated~
Get the Shiny Nose. It adds +5 all stats. Just do the Christmas Dinner event to collect all 4 ETCs and talk to NPC Pongo in Happyville to exchange. For pendant, consider getting Silver Deputy Star. It adds another 5 to all states. It cost about 250-300m now in the market. Upgrade your shoe to at least an average FS, probably like 5WA or so. Can be higher if you're more funded. I recently bought a 6WA for about 1.6b. Atfer that, consider upgrading your RWG to at least 15ATT SCG. This will cost about 2b+ Then, work on your cape, maybe aim for 8-10WA first. I recently bought a 10WA at 3.3b. If you're adventurous, find a 15 DEX earring, if you need that extra DEX. Your helmet is rather decent for now. So can ignore it till your other items are above average, then consider relooting till you get clean 21/22 stats and re-scroll it.
Thank you so much! I was also wondering, should I focus on a better spear first? like 120+ sky ski? theyre stupidly expensive so im not sure
Those will be expensive since Sky Ski can only ever be obtained from Showa Gachapon. And the odds of getting an above average/perfect clean one are rather low. So I'd advice not getting it first unless you're funded.
1st priority :shiny nose from christmas event since only available from event 2nd : Silver deputy star 3rd : Top and btm which total stat will be easily higher than ur current overall 4th : wa10 cape 5th : wa15 glove My recommendation for u.. haha
Get at least 125+ ATT pinaka/faltizan first , that would be the best boost:cost ratio item you could buy !
I was actually wondering about that, because the Neos Top and Pants are exclusive to males, so what would be the next best option for female warriors?
For tops: Bloody Platina Dark Valkyrie Top Dark Lucida For bottoms: Blood Valkyrie Skirt Dark Lucida Skirt Green Lucida Skirt Bloody Platinas drop from leps so are in pretty high supply. The pants are a little rarer, but memory lane 5 drops both dark valkyrie and blood valkyrie skirts and drop decently expensive scrolls. Road of regrets 5 drops both dark lucida tops and bottoms.
I highly second what Nessi said. Get a better weapon, then start working on glove, cape and shoes. The rest of the upgrades don't really boost your damage by a lot, but the weapon does, and it's the most cost effective one. Needless to say, get Berzerk 30 ASAP!
The most important thing for a DRK is HP. If you haven't started already, wear INT equips when you level to increase your max MP. When you do have the available funds to HP wash, you'll have a decent sized MP pool to draw from. Top/Bottom/Overall doesn't matter as much for Drks since you don't need the Dex aside for accuracy. Glove/Cape/Shoes/Weapon are most important. Sky Skis are better than Pinaka/Faltizan when you apple. Otherwise the slower spears are better for training.
As of right now, when I buy leech I wear an INT wand, Zhelm, and Robe, and INT earrings to increase my mana gain. I'm hoping thats enough.