Character Name: annabeiie26, annabelle26 Last thing you did: Buying ws/cs at fm Why do you think you got banned?: Sorry to say so, but i have no idea Ban message when attempting to log in: ID been deleted / blocked What GM banned you (optional): Not sure
Im working in my mum's shop. He will come to lend a hand too. We will play while there's no customer. While after dinner, i will go to his lan shop (cyber cafe?) and play together.
Okay, so the problem is, you both have been voting, and your bf have been vote abusing. So you got caught up in his ban.
Vote abusing of all characters u listed? Its major or minor abuse? I asked him a few times, but he denied. What should i do now? I have nx with annabelle26 that i saved it for few months. Is it possible to deduct all my nx to help his case? I can give up to vote start from now too, if this can make him back.
Permanently banned for exceptionally heavy vote abuse. We don't accept things like removing NX, or restrict voting, we simply ban if there is reason for it. I will also make the assumption that you don't have 2m NX which have been gained from cheating, I actually got tired of counting after I reached 1.6m NX and still had a few months to go, 2m is more like if we disregard your voting. At most I see 5 accounts voting on a single day, specifically: Annabelle26, Binz03, rex017, Tataxi, DAIKIN. Since you claim they are not your accounts, could you explain why your account is created on the same day as Binz03 and you have a very similar username?
Im very sorry for what he has done. I never knew he did so much of voting. He admitted he has done (a little) vote abuse, but seems like he is not telling the truth. I remembered that day was a Saturday, and we both feeling bored and start searching new stuff to do. He introduced me this game because of the word Nostalgic. He played a few maple servers before but Maple Royals is my first. I thought i will just play for a few hours and quit but i didnt. He sat next to me that day, so i asked what username to create and end with the username that almost the same. But we are totally 2 different people. I thought it shouldnt be a problem because we have similar username in all games we play together. Sorry.
Care to explain this to me? (First name is the one sending the message) Not to any surprise of mine there are accounts with usernames ending on 103 and 107, and they are not yours. And on those dates there were plenty of vote abuse:
Thanks for reminding what i did half year ago. I almost forget about that. That's the day i started play for 2nd/3rd weeks and i didnt know about the banning system. I stopped when my buddy told me about the voting rules. I know not knowing rules is not excuses, but i think no one will request a self ban after they realized it. Somemore, theres a zero tolerance policy as i always can see from other ban appeals. So what i can do is just stop it and i asked my bf to stop too. He promised me and i thought he will follow but he didnt. I dont know how he voted, but i can sure its not from my sides anymore. Since i really did abuse when at very first, i willing to accept the punishment for what i did. Thanks for your time. I really appreciated for what you guys did to help me from this ban appeal.
You are not going to be unbanned. Your connection to these accounts, and your direct involvement in this vote abuse that have netted millions in NX is too much for any sort of leniancy. If you stopped or not does not matter at this point. Your ban appeal has been denied.