Maybe because I’m clumsy af so if I do that monsterous thing, there’s a 90% chance the toilet paper will drop and unravel itself. And I’m also too lazy to wind it back. Other than that... aesthetics.
People who refuse to sit down when everyone else is sat down even though there is a perfectly available seat. STOP TOWERING OVER ME IT'S MAKING ME SO UNCOMFORTABLE SIT YOUR ASS DOWN??? Also, people who say they'll call you back in a specific amount of time and don't stick to it. If you said 5 minutes I expect 5 minutes, if you don't know when just say later, that's perfectly acceptable but why say 5 minutes when you don't really mean 5 minutes, jeez.
Oh, and last minute change of plan. Like, what the heck?! Especially when I already cancelled everything else just to make time for it.
holy moly i just found the svedish name for Gertrude, what a day and it isn't even 2 PM also on topic (lmao): people who don't respect my personal space or are super touchy ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY CAN TELL I HATE IT BUT DO IT ANYWAYS ("HAHA WHY ARE YOU SO TENSE?!?!?" "BECAUSE YOU'RE TOUCHING ME BITCH") like damn stop breathing my air there's plenty over there sorry i really dislike human contact and affection and tbh i just despise humanity as a whole
When people interrupt me. And I end up having to repeat what I was going to say in my head until you're done talking so I don't forget.
Oh my.. you sound exactly like my English teacher. Because of this, I was extra conscious to use “ch” instead of “cc” today. Thanks Evan.
SJW's Anything in the ocean.... Seriously, I'm from the Caribbean. People eat fish and other sea creatures all the time. Everything that lives in the water stinks and they taste disgusting. They also look disgusting. There's a reason we live on land and they're in the water. I can't stress enough how much I hate all sea life. I even go fishing with me mates just to try and off a few of them and I do not eat the slimy stinky buggers. Also, the ocean in general sucks. The island I grew up on had pink sand beaches, tourists flock there to spend their summers on the beach. The sand sucks, it sticks to everything, it's impossible to get out of your hair. It's hot, the entire beach smells like sun screen lotion and the ocean. That disgusting salty smell... I wish science had a way to remove the ocean from our planet without killing us off. Basically, I guess you could say I dislike the ocean and all life within it.
Being hovered over while doing daily tasks like cooking or reading. I hate being watched, makes me feel as though I'm put on stage and having to meet an expectation. Lol.
- People that literally put everything on the internet. I don’t have to see your loveydovey stuff on every social media I have you on. Cool, you have a bf/gf and you’re in love. But you don’t have to show us 24/7 that you’re with your significant other doing love shit. Keep that for yourself, especially if you’re someone that has like 7382772 relationships in 1 year. I personally don’t think it’s needed to make a facebook status about how your fish died. (just an example) Most people like these are just looking for attention or whatsoever imo. (This might be more of an irritation I get LOL) - Seeing someone biting his/her nails IN PUBLIC. ugh - When someone comes in my room and leaves without closing the door. I cannot..
1. 10 items or less means 10 items or less. 2. Slow ass drivers 3. People who wait for the green light to right turn 4. Fake laughs
You know when players are selling items, they state the items they accept such as white scroll and chaos scroll as 500m etc? I cringe whenever they have to state 1b coin valued as .... 1b. For example... ws = 500m cs = 500m 1bcoin = 1b
YES. THE BITING NAILS THING. Why you gotta bite them nailssssss its unhygienic and makes your hands ugly omg..... the s/0 (read ass-o) likes to bite and pluck his nails, then scratch my arms because its so.. pokey. wtf. I'm currently training my dogs to close the door, because they're the ones opening my door and leaving it open
People who chew with their mouths open Being woken up and asked questions right as you awake - I probably have a bunch more but that's all that comes to the top of my head as of now