I'm done playing this game for levels and money. I loved every moment of it (except the lag) and I'm so glad I made the friends I did. Thank you to iPaint (you can call him Paint) Vivix3 FloBot Tommy Sivir Baas Sorrowed(tyedye is a way worse name) ILoveRomance Xenon Kaizoku Mangu Ikki ItsGid Dustin FroZone Discreetly Intensity Dennis AshenKnight RainGod CassieFrass SassyBass MrsStyles(no relation) Caboose Chicago Sheilded Meilene RoleModle Blazin Oslo and last but not least the wifey Lioness. Sorry if I forgot anyone but there is a long list of you guys and there are so many to thank. Cheers for the fun times. If you see me logged on from time to time feel free to chat me up . See ya later and take it easy. ~~Moldy
Alex! Sad to see you go, you were a great bro to have throughout my experience on Royals ever since we met at GS2. Your australian accent will sure do you good things out there with the ladies! Anyways, this isn't the end, we keep in touch on Skype
Aw. I just met you in the FM a while earlier this afternoon, and you seemed to be a good guy. Farewell dood, it was a short and sweet meeting.
Bye Alex! You'll always be missed. Better log in to chat a bunch! Saddening seeing another person go T___T!
ALEX ;_______; One of the first few friends I made on Royals. If it weren't for you commenting on my stupid IGN, we wouldn't have known each other. Funny how the little gestures mean everything. I'll miss your stupid jokes. Let's keep in touch on Skype. See you there!
Aw Alex, sad to see you go... it was a pleasure playing with you dude! Good luck on all of your endeavors.