S> 128/5 White Nisrock (check picture) S/b = 2bil C/o = 0 a/w = 2.5bil ***Auction ends: 2/4/2018 (Sunday).*** Bow is sold at a/w price. Thread will be closed, until further notice. "I reserve the right not to sell, if I don't like the price," and all that jazz. Leave your offers and IGN down below. Thank you
C/o = 2b by "lookingforgoods" (forum name, no IGN). The auction will end this coming Friday (January 12th, 2018)
C/o = 2.1b by IGN: CloudPierce. I have extended the date to purchase the bow until this coming Sunday (January 14, 2018). Please, leave me your IGN with your offer next time.
Offer retracted by CloudPierce. Bow is up for grabs for another c/o. Extended the auction another week.
C/o 1.9bil by forum name: XTC (no IGN provided) I'm not going to sell it that low, so keep the offers coming!
I will be selling soon (later today, EST) at the current c/o if no one else is offering on the bow. C/o = 2.4bil by Jess0215 (forum name, no IGN)