My IGN is Tebayo, comes from Naruto, as he says that word very often I LOVE NARUTO! I also made another character, it's IGN is LMPQ
I used to write a lot(not literature.) and it stuck with me even though I no longer spraypaint as much. (LURK) Used to be protective over my friends during middle/high school. (Murker) Good artist I listened to while painting/writing a lot. (Evidence) Was very tired and ran out of ideas. The brand of crewneck I was wearing when coming up with a name was this. I also used it in GMS for my main. (Altamont)
Strider How else do you describe that sword slashing master without considering Brandish? Also, his spinning satellites around him reminded me of the combo orbs. Glad I got that name first because there has been at least 2 encounters of people trying to imitate this name. #SNIPED #SCOUTING
Sennin:My hermit its comes from naruto like the 6th path sennin or Sennin mode D Acnologia: my DK this name is taken from fairy tail i think acnologia is the king of dragons or is the most powerfull dragon
Yoo :3! Asapeddz: Asap.well i love AsapRocky ( singer of hiphop ) then i use Asap. Eddz. IRL my namy is Eduardo, but my friends call me edu,eddy,edd.. Then when i made my faceboon i use Eddz. Then AsapEddz. PapiEddz: Papi. Papi spanish word " Daddy" & Eddz. My name. Then PapiEddz cause im u daddy :3.
Plentea It sounds like my orginal name and it's also a milk tea bar here in downtown San Francisco.
And here I was thinking it was from something cool like Lord of the Rings. Spoiler Aragorn II, son of Arathorn is a fictional character from J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium. He is one of theprotagonists of The Lord of the Rings. Aragorn was a Ranger of the North, first introduced with the name Strider atBree, as the Hobbits continued to call him throughout The Lord of the Rings. As for mine, Calliope is a well known muse from greek mythology.
It's the namesake of my forum avatar and is also the name of a species of goat. It's not terribly difficult to comprehend and my other characters will more or less follow suit.
I have another character that named "kNightingale". It has double meaning (Knight in Gale and Nightingale) xd
Cocomile I was walking through a grave yard and saw this last name on a headstone. Never saw a name like this before and thought it would make a cool IGN xD
PerfectSin - The Perfect Sin (Like 7 deadly sins, not Assassin) Annihalate (supposed to be Annihalatrix but I dont want to ign swap) - Frisky Dingo show from Adult Swim CrticalError - Because I didn't wash to 30k HP on my first NL
Wanted it to be MoriSummer, but brain fart during the ign input, ended up being MoriForest. Funny thing is, Mori means forest in Japanese, so I'm morimori or forestforest now. ._____."
I stole it from a dude I met on a Ragnarok Online private server back in the 3rd grade and have been using it since