I was having a derp moment and wondered how you'd take a picture of just your phone case without your phone strapped onto it. Not my finest moment... Will post once I get home, but it's a caseology for the Nexus 5.
My phone is pretty enough, I don't need a phone case. Phone case is just for ugly phones (*cough* iPhone *cough*). Edit: I like that one Matt posted ^
Sadly it's not official Nintendo merchandise. But better than nothing. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Cover-iPh...lePhonesCasesPouches&var=&hash=item722dd24198
Oh haha, Thankyou. I searched the entire nintendo store to find it, tohught I had missed an official zelda merchandise. : ( I'll actually order that, dang.
Everyone calls it a golf ball lol It's the Spaceship Earth ride in EPCOT at Walt Disney World in Florida.
No case Cellphone companies, especially now, dump millions into designing a phone shell to look amazing and those phone case companies spend maybe a thousand $ into design. Yea forget that, I'm responsible enough not to drop my phone. I think i'll stick to the elegant design the phone was meant to have and not some crappy TPU case.