Hey guys I've never got to grind at el nath so far effectivelly, and recently gone there with a newbie I've just made. And noticed two things that I feel are not working as it should (or at least how I remember being at GMS) 1st: Cold damage The HP Draining from the cold is rather too fast. It's going down by 10 EVERY second, instead of 4secs as it should be. We should be able to survive for at least an hour or something, since we heal when we stand still, but I died (with 2400 HP) when I afked for 5 minutes. I know there is a food (Soft White Bun) from NPC, but still think it should be fixed. 2nd: Slipping I noticed that, at the Coolies map, we don't slip as we should. As I'm playing a bandit, slipping was helpfull (when I played the same in GMS), since we could just slip while attacking and killing a few mobs easily. I wonder if any people agrees, and hope the devs feel that it's worth fixing at any time.
I agree with your first feedback. I almost died while doing the 3rd Job advancement questions, I had to cancel questions in order to heal myself and in turn lost my dark crystal. I had to get another crystal and re-do the 3rd Job adv. questions.
If I'm not wrong the map effect was changed pretty recently. Aquaroad and El Nath were affected by the change, and sure enough it was quite troublesome seeing your HP falls down rapidly. But nothing the potions can't fixed, so I guess it won't be reverted since there's already an in-game solution for us.
I know there are potions for it. The issue is that it's not draining the ammount it should originally. If you need, somehow, to afk there, you die in a few minutes.
I'm afraid the effect is an intended mechanism, and it's gonna be how it "should work" in Royals now. https://royals.ms/forum/threads/new-source-update-48-24-12-2017.111769/#post-623070 You can afk in lounge now, so at least there's a solution to prevent death!
Guess you didn't get what I'm talking about. Taking cold/drowning damage IS an intended mechanism, I wouldn't ever ask for it to be removed. Issue is: it's draining HP 4 times faster than it should. Cold/Drowning damage should be -10HP every 4 seconds, but it is EVERY SINGLE SECOND at this moment. Yes, there is the lounge, if you need to leave the map for a long time. But the ammount of the HP Draining there is so high, that you can't afk for 3 minutes to toilet, because you might die.
Oh, yes you're right. I must admit I didn't read carefully enough about the loss rate. Still, nothing but the potions can't fix. Troublesome but it's only 1 inventory slot and it's cheap. I'm also certain that Matt and the rest are aware of the faster rate, but I don't think this will get reverted to the previous 10 seconds anytime soon. Or it might be fixed by tomorrow LOL who knows.
I don't think they'd fix it in time for myself to get helped by it. But just by fixing it for the future players would be great.
Definitely agree that the hp loss rate has to be fixed. Try doing the job advancement as a mage without an autopot pet, it'll only take around 2 mins for you to die. Only way around this now is to get the items from npc as mentioned.
we took our cold and underwater damage rate from the original BMS source, it may have been every 4 seconds in our old mapleroyals source however the current rate is as intended
I'm sorry but that's something wrong into that I've played both BMS and GMS from the scratch, and never died by afking for 5 minutes at zombies.
Didn’t have that issue on EMS aswell. It is too fast in comparison with what it originally was in old MS.
if you have to afk for 5min, you can just sit on your relaxer. I tried it once and instead of healing 50 hp every 10 seconds, it healed 50hp every 5 seconds, which basically means every 5 seconds, u lose 50 hp from the cold while getting back 50 hp from the chair. Though, you have to remember to actually use the chair. So kinda agree that its annoying that the hp loss is so much.
The BMS code does make it seem like it should have been occurring every 1 second, however after further investigation it has been determined to be 4. Therefore we will be changing cold/underwater damage from occurring every 1 second to every 4 seconds in update 54. This also garners us a 4x performance increase for that method in the code as we will be updating the ~100,000 active maps slower than previously. We will also add slipping to the Forest of Dead Tree's maps in update 54, not sure why it wasn't in there by default.