Muppet drumming at the end! Spoiler: Lyrics Sow the seeds Sow the seeds to life by packing up to make it right And all I need All I need to know Are you too proud to let it go? Remember me Well honestly I don't remember who you are So it seems And so it seems tonight, you've got that wild look in your eye What do you need What do you need to prove? The woman that you turn into Remember me Well honestly I don't remember who you are The memory has never been the best, you want a second chance You stand around your haunted home Those demons won't leave you alone Don't forget me when you grow old Remember me Well honestly I don't remember who you are Remember me Well honestly I don't remember who you are The memory has never been the best, you want a second chance You stand around your haunted home Those demons won't leave you alone Don't forget me when you grow old Remember remember Song starts at 1:24
Spoiler: Lyrics Ik kan nergens heen Maar in het zuiden wacht een vrouw nog steeds op mij alleen Ze heeft flessen vol tequila en flessen vol gin En dan neem ik m'n gitaar mee en m'n gouden ring Er zijn vliegtuigstoelen, miljoenen bijbedoelingen en bovendien zijn er, Limousines en er zijn leugens over sterren die we toch nooit zien Misschien, neem ik Spanje als besluit En laat m'n schepen achter Ik ga er stiekem tussenuit Een vluchtweg naar een nieuw begin Well, hop on my Choo-Choo I'll be your engine driver in a bunny suit If you dress me up in pink and white We may be just a little fuzzy About it later tonight She's my angel She's a little better than the one that used to be with me Cos she likes to scream at me Man it's a miracle that's she's not living up in a tree I may take a holiday in Spain Leave my wings behind me Drive this little girl insane And fly away to someone new Everybody's gone They left the television screaming that the radio's on M'n schoenen zijn gejat Maar ik hoef niet meer naar buiten, want er is nog wel wat Well, happy New Year's baby We could probably fix it, if we clean it up all day Or we could simply pack our bags En gaan meteen naar Barcelona, want we moeten hier weg Misschien neem ik Spanje als besluit Making the best of all that's left of me Laat m'n schepen achter Ik ga er stiekem tussenuit All of the lines she said Een vluchtweg naar een nieuw begin Just seem to break me in two Ik neem als Spanje als besluit Most of the time rewinding the lines En laat m'n schepen achter Ik ga er stiekem tussenuit I'm taking a day to get out of the way Een vluchtweg naar een nieuw begin Making my way back home to you again Geef me de tijd om te redden wie ik ben All of the lines she said Dagen vertragen, tot ze stollen en stilstaan I'm taking a day to get out of the way Geef me de tijd om mezelf terug te vinden Making my way back home to you again Ik maak alles goed met wat er over blijft All of the lines she said
Spoiler: Lyrics From the ice-age to the dole-age there is but one concern and I have just discovered: some girls are bigger than others some girls are bigger than others some girls mothers are bigger than other girls mothers As Anthony said to Cleopatra as he opened a crate of ale: Ooh I say... some girls are bigger than others some girls are bigger than others some girls mothers are bigger than other girls mothers. On the shop floor, there's a calendar as obvious as snow as if we didn't know some girls are bigger than others some girls are bigger than others and some girls mothers are bigger than other girls mothers Send me your pillow the one that you dream on Send me your pillow the one that you dream on and I'll send you mine...
For the very easily offended: perhaps skip this song. It is comedy, and as Homer said: "It's funny 'cause it's true." Spoiler: Lyrics Sleep, little baby, sleep now my love The Milky Way's shining high up above When you grow up, you will learn all that stuff But for now, close your eyes Close your eyes Sleep, little baby, try not to squawk Tomorrow and tomorrow you'll learn how to walk To love and laugh, to make toast and talk But for now, beddy-byes Your blanket's hand-knitted with pure angora wool Your nappy is dry and your tummy is full Of enough antihistamine to chill out a bull Yet still all this gringing What more could you want for? I just cannot guess You constantly complain to me; you should feel blessed There are children in Africa, starving to death And you don't hear them whinging What more can I do to put a stop to This mind-numbing noise you are making? Where is the line between patting and hitting? When is rocking "rocking" and when is it "shaking"? I don't know what else I can do to try to hush you My heart says "I love you", but my brain's thinking "fuck you" And hoping a child trafficker will abduct you At least then I'll get a few hours in bed I've shushed and I've cooed and I've even try to sing "Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da" in the exact voice of Ringo Now all I have left is to hope that a dingo Will sneak in and rip off your fat bitching head Hush little baby, don't say a word Papa's gonna buy you a mockingbird In the hope you get avian flu The nice folk in A&E will take care of you That's it, close your eyes, shhh, not a sound I can barely see your tiny belly moving up and down One thing they don't mention in the parenting book: Your love for them grows, the closer to dead they look
Animation cutest in HD. Singer: Anat. @Sof Can't listen to your song, I get a: "This video is not available."
Spoiler: 'Lyrics' I'm the trouble starter, punky instigator. I'm the fear addicted, danger illustrated. I'm a firestarter, twisted firestarter, You're the firestarter, twisted firestarter. I'm the bitch you hated, filth infatuated. Yeah, I'm the pain you tasted, fell intoxicated I'm a firestarter, twisted firestarter, You're the firestarter, twisted firestarter. I'm the self inflicted, my detonator. Yeah, I'm the one infected, twisted animator. I'm a firestarter, twisted firestarter, You're the firestarter, twisted firestarter. Starter... starter... starter... Ah, that might be it. Never-mind me then.
Best breakup song... Spoiler: Lyrics Je suis venu te dir'que je m'en vais et tes larmes n'y pourront rien changer comm'dit si bien Verlaine "au vent mauvais" je suis venu te dir'que je m'en vais Tu t'souviens des jours anciens et tu pleures tu suffoques, tu blémis à présent qu'a sonné l'heure des adieux à jamais oui je suis au regret de te dir'que je m'en vais oui je t'aimais, oui, mais je suis venu te dir'que je m'en vais tes sanglots longs n'y pourront rien changer comm'dit si bien Verlaine "au vent mauvais" je suis venu d'te dir'que je m'en vais Tu t'souviens des jours heureux et tu pleures tu sanglotes, tu gémis à présent qu'a sonné l'heure des adieux à jamais oui je suis au regret de te dir'que je m'en vais car tu m'en as trop fait Je suis venu te dir'que je m'en vais et tes larmes n'y pourront rien changer comm'dit si bien Verlaine "au vent mauvais" je suis venu d'te dir'que je m'en vais Tu t'souviens des jours anciens et tu pleures tu suffoques, tu blémis à présent qu'a sonné l'heure des adieux à jamais oui je suis au regret de te dir'que je m'en vais oui je t'aimais, oui, mais Je suis venu te dir'que je m'en vais tes sanglots longs n'y pourront rien changer comm'dit si bien Verlaine "au vent mauvais" je suis venu d'te dir'que je m'en vais Tu t'souviens des jours heureux et tu pleures tu sanglotes, tu gémis à présent qu'a sonné l'heure des adieux à jamais oui je suis au regret de te dir'que je m'en vais car tu m'en as trop fait...