blackmailed andreas into giving me my first ever event ring after two years in this server! check out my op damage boost! https://image.filehostingsite/hDMnpc/andreas.png https://image.filehostingsite/c3EJvH/x.png https://image.filehostingsite/m2ukaH/y.png
After 2 years of on-off play & maining a bucc as my first character i've finally hit 200! Special shoutout to every single one of my buddies, guildies, & the rest of you that came out! Whether your active, quit, or banned I couldn't have done it without you! #SORRYFORTHEDC Spoiler: GG LEOSAMA XD <3
It was an honor to crash twice for you bro <3 another bucc bites the dust! Onto retirement and a new job or bucc life 4 life?!
Almost done with my night lord. Need a fews washing from the mp and a HTP to try to get 5k clean lmao Most of people say my range's "good" for my level. I don't know.. night lords kinda weird. PD: Didn't shoot with mw20 lol https://preview.filehostingsite/fEGBpc/Captura_de_pantalla_2018_03_17_a_la_s_23_03_12.png
From Spoiler to Spoiler and finally Spoiler Got distracted didn't manage to snap the rest, but finally! Spoiler debt piling up rip
Decided to drop my 23/23/23/23 HTP on Nerd, i've had that HTP for like 3yrs... And guess what i got the first reloot lol. Spoiler Spoiler: ezpz Sorry @xxTuzixx i've heard you still relooting ! D:
We made it boyz!!! https://image.filehostingsite/cexEXx/Captura_de_pantalla_2018_03_21_a_la_s_21_09_29.png