So in maple there's Fame buying and Fame defaming services. NOW WE HAVE A NEW SERVICE IN ROYALS! ~~~ELBOWZZZ ASSASSINATION SERVICE~~~ Someone scammed you? Someone jibbed you? Someone you hate? Someone stole your girl? Someone stole your fm spot? Someone KS you? DON'T WORRY NO MORE! With elbowzzz assassination service you can release your anger on that person for as little as 50m! THATS RIGHT!!! 50m ONLY!!! What happens? How does this work? 1. PM me the ign(s) of the person you want assassinated 2. Go on with your day and pretend nothing happened 3. Receive a personal message from elbowzzz showing you a screenshot of the person dead! If you online you may even be able to laugh in their face! MWHAHAHA 4. Pay elbowzzz the fee for assassination. Prices (per death/kill) 50m - Character is under lv 100 100m - Character lv 100-150 150m - Character lv 150-180 200m - Character lv 180-200 You may think pfftt why would I want to pay that service? I dont get anything out of it.... WRONG!!! The person that I killed for you will lose 10% exp and a SS of their dead face which you share to all of royals and laugh at them. Characters over lv100 usually buy leech and take a long time to gain 1 lv. Losing 10% is a huge loss, (lv 110-135 & 180+) is best to kill as its the hardest to lv or they have to pay money to lv, aka wasting money) You only pay AFTER you receive the SS The service is kept anonymous both ways. Your service will be performed within the week. (there's no guarantees though, some services may be too hard to perform but I'll try my best) For those that request a kill and don't pay after receiving SS, you better hope you don't afk somewhere with 99% exp cause I'll make sure when your back you only see 0%exp.
No I cannot prove the loss of exp. I can only prove the death kill. Whether they have a safety charm or not I cannot determine but either way they lose nx or exp. If you want them to lose exp then I suggest you buy more kills for the same ign.
This brings up a question. Will it be cheaper to buy multiple death for the same IGN since 2nd or all the sub sequence kills will be easier since the character will respawn with 50 hp only.
It really depends, atm there is no VIP or deal package as this is a new service. Potentially I may add these options in the future. And buying multiple deaths doesn't always guarantee they die multiple times in a row as that would require the person to be afk for long hrs. Maybe they die once today, another tomorrow or in a hrs later etc
I’ll pay you 350m to ruin @ImJakeFromStateFarm 200 party on ovaryact. I’ll pm with details when appropriate.
Due to high demand of assassination requests I have altered the prices a bit. For those that have already requested my service and given me a name I will charge for the previous price as negotiated when you gave me the name. Thanks
I hate it when people replace letters with numbers in their name. They think they look sooooo cool. Kill mystic4lst4r for me would ya Will only pay 100m for that tho cause im poor af
I hate it when people don't capitalize my name correctly. They're pretty lame. Kill Credits for me would you? I can pay 101M for that, because I'm poor too. EDIT: Please don't actually do this, because I love him too much >-<
i would love to see @Yan and @Mati dead, special bonus if you can do both of their chars in the same map, wont reveal igns so it's up to u to find out master assassin gimme a price