We are currently looking to form a regular group of friends who play starting ~5:00 pm PST (00:00 servertime) weekdays for zak & ht. We don't really care about range/lvl, just want people who enjoy playing the game and are available/prepared/experienced at the time above ^ All classes are welcome! our current bossing characters ________________________________ rod3o: lvl 180 mm virg1l: lvl 165 paladin miillk: lvl 186 bm(mw20) berrry: lvl 142 bishop ________________________________ whisper us or message down below ty
Can my level 137 F/P mage join you guys? It's not the strongest but since you guys aren't exactly considering range, level, or classes, I hope it's worth a shot!
thank god something like this exists I'm a 158 NL id like to join and I have 12k hp hope to hear back from you my ign is xxNightLord
I AM AVAILABLE DAILY SERVER TIME 00:00 I WILL BE ON 15 MINS BEFORE RUN. We have run together before. ^^ IGN iOMGi 165 nl. ❤️ 11k hp mw 20
Hi, I'm a new aspiring NL looking for friends to carry me through bossing. I am currently level 155 unwashed so I'll need HB every run. But to compensate my lack of hp, I have a SUGOI 2k clean range, up to 4k with echo, MW20, and apple. Please add me anytime, I'm on basically 24/7 - IGN: ConanKun. Thank you for your consideration and hope to see you all soon at HT!! EDIT: I currently do not have TT30 or MW20 so it would be great if I could loot those for free thank you!!
hello feel free to add me to your buddy lists @Sulley. wanna find some friends to boss with especially bishops because they're so rare nowadays T.T