Just got my mules rescued from Victoria, Henesys https://royals.ms/forum/threads/islander-mules-warp-to-henesys-via-lounge.116469/ They were sent to Henesys after I parked the mules at Lounge x.x
Thanks to everyone who played during the event Spoiler: ShroomieGroupie ! It was fun meeting new people, and meeting some old. Now that it's officially over, I guess i'll post the dank stuff I found. OG islanders. Spoiler: A wild Danny has appeared! Although I didn't find any above average blue roses , I did find a nice amount of Yellow/Red/White Spoiler: Roses For those who need roses, contact me or CrimsonClaw, since we both have alot of spares Spoiler: spare1 Spoiler: spare2 (All are average stats and above, of course) I was also able to find a decent amount of wish tickets and red envelopes Spoiler: RedEnv and finally, although I didn't get to reach my goal of level 50, I guess I was super close Spoiler: CandyMan I guess that sums everything up for the most part. I'll be taking a break until anniversary event once I hit 50. So yeah, good bye for now, and I hope to see everyone during MapleRoyals 5th Anniversary! Edit: I still have a personal goal of reaching level 69 before Christmas. I believe!