I've had some people ask me what BSUCLA means. I'll point to our favorite online resource, urban dictionary for the definition https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=BSUCLA
I still don't know what B.S.U.C.L.A. stands for but... Last year, I rage scrolled my last slot but with ws+30% because it was taking at least 15ws and I was literally dried out: I will try to finish this xbow: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-perfect-clean-113-dragon-shiner-cross.117372/#post-672306 once more to forget that dead xbow after my current projects for my MM. I've "No" to the poll btw. Don't be like me. Control yourself lol
Everyone need to hold @resum Horace accountable. He must scroll his claw's last slot based on the result of the poll. If he doesn't, we as the community should black list him and exile him from the community!!!
I was not even aware of such a culture. But i voted yes along with the majority so far. Please bsucla and record it so that the next generation can watch and learn.
Apparently BSUCLA stands for a player with IGN BSUCLA (Ben Smith from University of California Los Angeles) 30% last slot of a perfect spear with white scroll.
Mannnnnn just hearing Ben’s IGN again brings back some painfully great memories. Dude earned so much respect through just his weapon alone, not to mention he was a genuine guy and a damn humble one at that. OT: don’t do it (srs)
Time to buy out all the WS on the market Edit: @resum im trying save you from yourself. You gonna fail all 10 ws, then rage pass a 30%. Why not just 30% and save yourself 10 ws?