Onyx Apples at 15.5m each - SOLD Scrolls: INT 3 Earring int - s/b 150M ea a/w 200M sold 175M to @Grolar DEX 3 shoes dex - a/w 5M 4 gloves dex - a/w 5M 3 Overall dex - s/b 40M a/w 50M sold 40M to @Amit22 Thief 1 claw - s/b 60M a/w 100M sold 70M to @PosterYellow Pirate 2 gun - s/b 25M a/w 30M 5 knuckler - s/b 20M a/w 25M Warrior 6 polearm - s/b 10M a/w 15M , sold 10M to@nosebleed 3 spear - s/b 50M a/w 60M sold 50M to @nosebleed 2 one-handed axe - a/w 2M sold a/w to @Sevendollars 1 two-handed axe - a/w 3M sold a/w to @Sevendollars 4 one-handed sword - s/b 20M a/w 25M c/o 20M by @Bootygod56 2 two-handed sword - s/b 30M a/w 35M sold a/w to @Sevendollars 4 two-handed BW - a/w 2M sold a/w to @Sevendollars Mage 4 staff ma - s/b 30M a/w 35M Archer 3 bow - s/b 42M a/w 50M 3 xbow - s/b 15M a/w 20M Common 2 shoes speed - s/b 15M a/w 20M c/o 16M by @BuddyTheFrog 5 helmet HP Bidding end 48h from last bid. Accepting: = 500 M = 500 M = 17 M
I just sent you a whisper in-game but it appears you're AFK. Tab back in when you get a chance, I'll move my char next to you in FM to make the transaction once you return
ty for trade. polearm scrolls sold. come buy my scrolls people - offer away if u think something is overpriced
I'll offer 35m on each of the spears and 140 on each earring int if you're open to lowering the s/b If not, free bump for a smooth transaction prior!