Hi there, I am selling the following item(s): 21 INT Female Bathrobe: The current prices are: S/B: 200m C/O: 250m A/W: 475m Green Neos Pants (8 DEX, 7 ACC): The current prices are: S/B: 20m C/O: ____ A/W: 65m Single Earring (15 TMA; 5 INT): The current prices are: Straight Sale: 25m Blue Adventurer Cape (9 INT): The current prices are: Straight Sale: 50m NX Items: Red Rose: Straight Sale: 25m Just some additional information: I reserve the right to sell any item at any price I like; I reserve the right to refuse sale of any item. Offers can be made in this thread, or via PM in forums or in-game at IVIichael. Straight sale items can be negotiated. Spoiler: Sold Items Spoiler: Elemental Wand 6 177 TMA Sold for 500m Spoiler: Maple Magician Shield 20 TMA Sold for 400m Spoiler: Silver Windshoes 6 INT Sold for 60m Spoiler: Sky Skis 98 ATK Sold for 160m Spoiler: Red Starlight 22 INT Sold for 30m Spoiler: Red Craven 56/6 Clean Sold for 100m Spoiler: Brown Doroness 8 INT Clean Sold for 25m Spoiler: Dark Emperor Glove 11WA Sold for 110m Spoiler: Bandana 10 INT Sold for 40m Spoiler: 127/2 Dragon Shiner Cross Sold for 300m Spoiler: 10/10 Blue Arzuna Sold for 30m Spoiler: 9/8 Blue Arzuna Sold for 10m Spoiler: 6 INT Sword Sold for 15m Spoiler: 5/20 6 ACC Blue Crescent Boots Sold for 200m Spoiler: NX Items Baba Blue: sold for 60m Coin Sword: sold for 35m