Well, the time has come. I know I said I wouldn't make a thread, but it seems that even still people aren't realizing that I'll be away. I am starting my first year of college. I will be doing a double major of English and Education. I am planning on becoming an English teacher! Anyway, a lot of things have changed in my life (for the better) and I will not be on MapleStory much for a long time. I will not be bringing my desktop to college, but I will have a laptop. I am not downloading MapleStory on it for two reasons. One, I don't think my laptop could handle it, honestly. Two, I don't want to waste any time on this game (even though it is life)! I need to focus on my education as well as socializing more. I will still be on Skype, probably as often as I already am. I'll still frequent the forums, though probably not as much. I don't mean to not talk to any of you, because that is definitely not the wasteful part of the online life. I consider you guys as much as friends as those I have offline. Online and offline friends both have their advantages. The only wasteful time is sitting on the actual game doing nothing. No point in that! Anyway, I won't be coming on from here on out til probably next summer. At the current time I do plan to return in the summer, though it all depends what happens during this year. I met so many new people since I rejoined a few months ago. The server has drastically improved, and I am so glad to see that. I can't even imagine what's in store for when I return in around a year or so. Some of the new people I met that made it more worthwhile to stick around (not what I originally planned!) are Helen (Hugs, <~ Wicked cool chick, never really got to know her til I rejoined), Helen (Paradox <~ Fucking weird but pretty fucking cool), Raddy (Detox? I think this is his IGN. We talked more on Skype haha <~ Radical Raddy), Jake (Moooooooo <~ Absolutely loved this f**ker), Josh (Clink/j00b <~ MapleStory), Sidney (Stereo <~ Extremely chill and nice!), Michael (Betches <~ MapleStory (he repeats Josh a lot, also responds to the name Josh. Not really sure why but he's pretty cool too!)), Angela (Don't think she plays the server <~ Awesome girl), Jeremy (Many obscene IGNs <~ We bonded and then he stopped playing. ), Mabel (Mabel <~ I would marry this girl, probably not, maybe, dunno, but she was really fun to get to know!), Romina (Romina/Froyo <~ Loved to chatbox you. It will finally stop though. For now.), Jeff (What's his IGN again? <~ Seriously.. what's his IGN?), Sunny (Oslo <~ Everyone should get to know her), Sven (He has like 8 characters I swear. <~ Sexy mother f**ker. Aly is lucky as hell, and Sven is lucky too, but not as lucky as her cause damn Sven you sexy man. I didn't really get to know him until I rejoined!), Tay (Taygore <~ Only person I've ever met that lives in Minnesota. Let alone a fucking girl my age!! ) I'll be back in game in around a year, assuming you guys can keep it stable. But since I won't be online, I suspect that it will stand a chance. I still never concluded why the server was only laggy while I was around. Damn.
"Two, I don't want to waste any time on this game (even though it is life)!" I have taught you well, Luke.