A hybrid build of STR and DEX is a lot more efficient than STR alone. Say you have 150 STR 4 DEX and 55 atk pumpkin lantern or something. Your range would be 36~381 which is very inefficient and can sometimes not even 2 hit mushrooms/pigs. Now you get the option to either continue STR or go DEX instead. Say you went STR for the next 15 levels, you'd have 225 STR and 4 DEX with a range of 53~571. As you can see this is still pretty unstable with a good chance to not 1 hit monsters. Now if you went DEX instead you'd get 150 STR and 79 DEX and a range of 77~422. This range is a lot more efficient and with 77 min damage it has a chance of over 99% to 1 hit mushrooms.
Sawngo say he will ignore me, but his fans not gonna let it go Never mind, did some Googling and this guy is another scammer lol https://www.google.com/search?biw=1......0...1c.1.64.psy-ab..0.0.0....0.jzKoVZwBBW8
How to scroll +3 gomushins Thanks to @Detached @crimsonclaw @kitsunychang and myself for the morale support!