First of all, I have nothing aganist people who donated nor the donation system itself. I donated myself. I just want to give the awareness to a problem that may cause some trouble in the near future. Now, why should you remove it? 1. It's making Christmas' outfits become less rare. I have a christmas outfit which I worked for a lot and spent alot of mesos on () and now everyone who donated can get parts of it... even though they joined after the event. It's really making events like the Christmas event that we had worthless. 2. You'll have nothing to give away on Chrismas. I mean, I have an idea but I wouldn't want to suggest it before you'll fix this problem. Almost every Christmas item is there, and if you'll give away some of them that were in donator's shop, it will make the royal points that people spent on to get these items be worthless. 3. I just honestly think that this is the point of events. An admin starts it, everyone can get X & Y items for a limited amount of time, the admin finishes it and the items become rare. I'm opening this thread because I'm not sure if you understand the economy of it. I hope that people will agree with me.
I understand what you're saying and agree. I will look into and discuss with the rest of staff the possibility of removing the Christmas items from the donor shop.
I completely agree, it should be an event-only item. There is a separate list of NX you can get through GM events that you can't find in the donator shop, so I wouldn't see why this couldn't be possible.
This could extend passed Christmas into other holidays as well. Why not have limited time only items for Easter, Halloween, New Years, and Valentines Day? I think this is already sort of done, but if there were items limited to donor shop only during these times that'd be interesting.
Then that would defeat the purpose for those who actually collect ETCs/Items to gain these 'rare' NX outfits during these holiday events. But then again, donator items can't be traded. I guess that would be the trade-off.
I agree; we should have nx items that are dedicated to special holidays. might sound unfair but; we could also have the player-base design those up-coming nx items, for a nifty reward for there creativity. Should improve Community's interaction with one another. +1 love that beard
Well I guess I meant in addition to the event as well. Certain things could be event only (Santa hat), but perhaps you could purchase the Santa outfit from the donor shop, excluding the hat?
Yeah, but it's not useful or recommended at all. I mean, if you can get the Santa outfit from the event itself, why would you waste your RP on it? It's maybe a faster solution but it's not worth it. You can get the Santa outfit from the event and buy somehting else instead in the donor shop. Plus, is sounds like something Nexon would do. It gives you the X item if you'll complete the X quest, but if you'll pay, you'd be able to get the X item without having to do the quest. Which is kinda unfair when you think about it.
This seems indeed a problem, also the Donor shop has some items that look exactly the same as regular cash items. Last thing I did as developer was redoing the system that makes the CashShop look like what it is now. So it should be easy to make these changes, if wanted.
I will bring this up with the rest of the staff tomorrow when everyone is awake, Thank you for bumping
2 months is still a lot of time. It needs to be removed ASAP because this is very unfair. I spent a lot of time and mesos just to get my santa costume and now everyone who donated is able to get parts of it even though they joined after the event. Don't you think that these items are supposed to be exclusive to the Christmas event? They are Christmas items, people need to be able to obtain them only on Christmas.