I really don't like to say my currently range (itsn't to high but not low to 5.5k lol) but its theres any advice to get 7k range at lvl 170+(with mw20 or clean) as a night lord? Counting this with perfect claw so you can do some math and stuff owo
I reckon you would at least require a perfect/max atk RC or DPS, follow by at least >= 20 att SCG, and > 15 att FS with MW20 to at least hit 7k. May be wrong though.
That's the good way n.n my Rc is perfect and my shoes 14 att lmao my glove's 18 probably uploading for a 22+and my cape well already saw a 15 att for a good price
I do that for a long time my friend lol but im more asking for the items what i need for 7k clean hehe
at 194, my nl has 7889 (with mw20) and that's with 28/27 HTP, 39/25 Zhelm, 22 glove 17 cape 16 shoe. If you want 7k clean (with or without mw?) at 17x, you will need perfect rc & around 55+ att gears