Selling: Blue Ades (M) +32str + 7dex s/b 250m a/w 420m Elemental Wand 5 +9int +160ma s/b 350m a/w 385m Red Craven +11 luk +70wa 320m straight deal in c2 fm1 store Bathrobe (M) +16 luk a/w 15m check c2 fm1 store (A) Bathrobe (M) +15 int 150m at c2 fm1 (A) Green Bandana +15 int 150m at c2 fm1 Blue Ades (M) 28str 9dex s/b 130m a/w 150m SOLD at A/W in store Dark Emperor 9str 5dex 10wa s/b 50m c/o 50m by msboy123 a/w 65m SOLD at A/W in store Green Bandana +19 int c/o 300m by Jous in game a/w 365m SOLD at A/W in store Red Pirate Pants(M) 19dex 7luk s/b 150m a/w 220 m SOLD at A/W in store Leave offer and ign or pm Tykky/iTykki or visit cc2 fm1 for a/w and scrolls iTykki's Store (A) Also buying 175-185 TMA wand 5 leave stats,price and ign for pm when I online TY! Buying AP Reset too please inbox or add me in game for discussion