So I'm starting to see a lot of people who are into fitness joining Royals. So why not make a thread for it? Post goals/questions/whatever here.
Accomplishment: I lifted a donut up to my mouth once. One the way down it had a chunk missing... Idk what happened but, it got easier to lift after every rep.
I'm going to hell for sure right now. Goals? errr.. Well, to finish mastering Krav Maga, and to lose the left over fat percentage from last years mass that I never finished.
Single digit body fat percentage for me. Been working on it for about 3 years now, but mostly because I don't really care about my diet.
Every once in awhile I get the urge to work out and better my body. Then the next day I am super sore, so I can't work out. Then I lose the urge by the next day. Though I plan to work out more in college, start taking care of my body so I don't die before I graduate.
I totally get Luke. Although lifting isn't that much of a problem to me. I'm pretty slim but I probably lift more than other people who are this skinny. 2 weeks ago I ran for the first time in months, and did 2.5miles in 27 minutes
What you're feeling is DOMS, which is completely normal at first. Like Blaine said, the pain lessens each time you work out. If it continues for at least three weeks, you're probably doing the exercises wrong. I bulked during summer. As a skinnyfat..
My friends and I have been training to climb the Wells Fargo tower in DTLA. 54 stories. I tap out around 30 atm.
Oh guys, don't worry. I understand why I am feeling sore. It's just that by the time I recover (the day after the day after I work out) I have already lost motivation! I just need to keep a schedule and stick to it.
Nearly 17 years old Lifting since 14 Bench: 235 Squat: 320 Deadlift: 350 Military: 180 Have been mainly doing bodyweight training since June, (I can do 6 handstand pushups with no wall ) but just recently got back into lifting since school started.
Maybe you did too many lifts/reps/sets/etc. Try doing a beginner program and see how you feel afterwards. Or you can pick up a new fitness hobby, like cycling or running or swimming.
A routine comprised mostly of compound lifts at a moderate volume is a good place to start for beginners. The gains you get when you first start out are always amazing too. I get so jelly when I see someone just start lifting and then see them a couple months later and see drastic improvement already. Don't overtrain but more importantly don't under eat.
Guys, I live by one rule in the gym. There is no "Go heavy or go home.", you either move the weight or work the muscle. You can ask me any gym related questions btw.