Character Name: MugenMirai Last thing you did: just finish farming heartstopper and go to NLC station Why do you think you got banned?: not sure Ban message when attempting to log in: Trouble logging into the game? Please submit a ban appeal at the MapleRoyals forum. What GM banned you (optional): don't know I'm a little shocked by this situation now , cause I'm not sure why my IP be banned (maybe , cause all my account can't log in) Hope GM can give me a reply , thanks.
Hi Kai , Thanks for your reply, Please bear with me and give me some time to clarify the situation Yes, I remember that i smega 2 days ago and I guess that is why I am banned. I have actually saved some screenshots about those smegas at that time for sharing with my friends . Should you need some evidence of the smega, please let me know. It started when a China player (I guess) said by smega : "Taiwan/China are the same. Don't try to whisper me different." Being a Taiwanese, this message make me a little unpleasant. Some Taiwanese saw this smega and felt unhappy too and mega-ed back by saying "Taiwan number 1" and etc. And then I replied on mega: "Taiwan is just Taiwan , China is just China." This is my first smega regarding such incidents. I know that the issue between Taiwan and China is very complicated. The people in China and Taiwan have complete different opinions about it, which causes often disputes with people in China . Yes, Taiwan is currently not recognized as a country by many other countries. But in my own opinion, Taiwan is definitely not same as China . The smega that those guys said, made us felt like they meant that "Taiwan is ruled by China." This made some Taiwanese felt insulted, especially myself due to my sensitivity about this topic. It then continues when another person said "Where is Taiwan? Never heard, is that a city?" In this context , the smega is sarcastic and sounds more like insulting Taiwan . Because his IGN is "CCCCN", i guessed that it is a China player. In summary, some people were talking about this issue at the time and those China player's remarks made me felt uncomfortable . I had became emotional and admit to using the wrong choice of words. I said "Trash China government and people." by smega. I have no intention of flaming others but rather to just justify for us Taiwan. I believed this is my reason for ban. I'm very sorry to say that Trash word as it is disrespectful to people and discriminating. At the same time, I also forgotten about the seriousness and impact of my speech. I understand that i should not use hate speech in Mapleroyal But i became emotional and was careless at what I said at that moment. I apologize to those innocent Chinese player who may have been hurt by my words. I do have many friends from China and what I really hate is the the China government and its ideological education for the people and not at all China people . I will not say anything like this anymore. Afterall, it doesn’t matter where people come from as everyone is playing royals MS. I am willing to accept GM's punishment and at the same time, I will be more careful about my remarks in the future. Thanks for reading and sorry that my appeal have a long chunk of text. I will trust your judgement and decision on my appeal for this case after my explanation. If i am not able to overturn this appeal, Do let me know the ban duration as well as un-ban date and time. Good day.
Just to let you know it's a 3 day ban, not permanent (I don't however know the exact time you'll be unbanned). A GM (probably Kai) will be in touch!
You'll be unbanned on 2018-06-21 07:46:25 server time. In future if someone is saying something offensive, report them instead of giving them a response & reason to continue.