Hi fellow losers! You are probably here because you've experienced a great loss and just don't know what to do now. You are totally lost. Not only in game, but also in real life. Luckely, there's this detailed guide! Special thanks to itsKate for giving me the idea to help out people like me. I wish there was a guide like this when I lost my item. It was really something. But lets continue. I know all about this subject. I once lost an item worth 61ws due to rollback, so I know how you feel. Here's what you should do step by step when you lose an item and not getting a refund: 1) Cry about it without actually crying, people already think you're sad 'cause you whine about losing something in a game. 2) Think about it all the time in real life and make sure people don't know why you are down af. 3) Definately rage quit, this is a must. Get social for a while. Then figure out that it sucks and that they just don't understand what you've been trough. 4) Come back to Royals after a while and explain to everyone what happened, let them feel sorry for you. 5) Repeat last part of 4. You NEED to tell people from time to time. From now on, you are a whiner when it comes to the subject of losing stuff. When someone else loses something, ALWAYS tell them you know how they feel and if they don't ask 'why?', make sure to tell them! 6) That's it, what do you want from me. I have no real solution. Go cry in a cornor (with me). I hope this guide helps you alot. It wasn't created because I was really, REALLY bored in the train, but because I want to help out and make you the perfect whiner. Thanks you for reading this guide!
Its pretty helpful for me , this is definately a guide that many players would use at some point!!! Move it back