Considering I use it to hide from people... Purpose [✓] lol I kid though. The music is nice, and I chill there a lot but I know I'm in the minority.
Honestly, I wouldn't like it if it was removed, there are alot of people who comes here to AFK, since that we have alot of sackers in henesys. There are alot of purposes i use the lounge for... some examples are to have a private conversation -cough- -cough- (Aint gossips okey?!) XDDDDD Pretty much chill in the beautiful sight of the bridge with someone, and AFKing which i do daily, even right now i have two characters dropped by the lounge AFKing with someone. MOST IMPORTANTLY (to me) is it have a sesh with someone in lounge! #420 --HMU-- :3 That was my viewpoint of it and what i do, but i have heard that some islanders use it to get their fame higher, what they do is pay through their main (outside of the lounge), and get famed through the lounge. So yeah, there are alot of purposes of this lounge, and i'm sure that there are alot of more things which is a benefit in the lounge which i don't know of yet. It's a place where everyone can meet each other, no matter where you are, and i appreciate that they made the lounge, and i'm sure that it was really difficult to make it, it would be pointless. Thank you for reading <3
I'm with @Dipp on this one. Lounge is a great map to both afk and chat with people in. Especially since I prefer to always be in channel 1 and channel 1 fm isn't really the greatest map to just "chill and chat" considering the spam that is in there most of the time. Henesys can also be way too spammy to be able to sit and chat in to be honest. + like Dipp said... All these people sacking everyone all the time isn't making it any better. My go-to meetup map is always lounge and I see more and more people use it every day so I think that if you just give it some more time, more people might learn to appreciate it more!
So is the only NPC in the lounge useless? I thought it could be used to change the background music.(lounge pond 's BGM is the best I've found out so far.)
We have added the GM Event NPC to the map. So in future, to participate events, you will have to go through the NPC instead of using commands. We also plan to add the junkbox but not a priority now.
Spoiler: Jukebox ideas Edit: There's also something else planned for the lounge... but I don't know where that fell in the grand scheme of things... cryptic I know. Stay tuned!
I have an idea to boost the usage of lounge. Add a NPC in lounge that allows you to access every jump quest in the game, and have a score board NPC like the GPQ points for guilds that show the top 10 fastest JQ clearing speed for each JQ. This might boost the social aspect and the use age of the lounge.
Does this count as a necro at this point? Less than a month... I really like the idea of a jump quest NPC. No rewards, but even just including a timer at the end (like Gaga in the anniversary challenge). I've been challenged to races more than once on the anniversary jq. Getting to do all of the other jump quests again just to race would be neat.
For a gambling machine, they basically already have that with Gachapon. Do you mean to have a custom Gach (Lounge)? ... But moving merchants from the FM to lounge? I think merchants is exactly what they don't want in the lounge. Like, they don't want the FM accessible from everywhere because they don't want people to just jump in from ANYWHERE and be connected, granting access to party skills (and so mules) or ways to merch items (allowing you to easily buy or sell items while still out controlling a map). By having merchants in the lounge, you could enter the lounge from anywhere, sell items, then leave. It's like having EVERY map be exactly one away from a town. To get that effect, you need someone with magic door, and so the button defeats that skill's purpose. The best use of the lounge, then, is anything that doesn't add or remove items, and disallows buffs (unless they choose to strip all buffs when leaving, which sounds like an okay idea, tbh).
I think good.If there is Potion Gachapon.(only give potion.but we can get potions without NX. I mean free Gachapon not. need other something not NX. ). And we aleady can't use skills and exchange with people on Lounge. Just we will visit Lounge only to sell something to NPC(ex: equipe, selling uselessness item for clean inventory). I think so this is not many effect on game.(of course it will vary depending on the type of potion). It will used for serviceablity. Yet, if you don't understand my reply, re-read document. what can't we use thing in Lounge?
That's what I'm talking about. That's what they DON'T want the lounge to be used for. Say you're out grinding somewhere, and your equips are suddenly full. You just hop into the lounge, sell off your equips, recharge any bullets or stars or potions, then jump right back into the map. It's effectively like having a merchant in every map, everywhere, instead of just in towns. At least with Magic Door, the priest skill, someone else is there on the map to use the skill while you're away, and is using up a magic rock to use the skill, keeping things a bit balanced. Hmm... if NPCs are added, they need to not allow you to sell things, right? So besides a custom gachapon machine, why not special non-shop merchants like Chief Tatamo or the various ore refiners? Using a dialog, you could buy megaphones or other cash shop items, items you can already get anywhere but just opening the cash shop and buying with nx. Those NPCs don't let you sell things back to them, and their inventory is often heavily restricted, which sounds perfect. Players would then be more likely to go there to afk and smega, and while that might further increase the lounge as a social space, would it negatively affect the free market? Like, the lounge wants to be a space to socialize, but players coming in the fm to just sell or buy an item quickly almost rely on the mass of players sitting around in the entrance chatting with smegas. If you draw players away from the fm to smega elsewhere without all of the buying and selling spam, wouldn't that eventually kill the fm as well? The free market would end up being shops only, and then the game has a problem that can only be fixed by getting rid of the lounge. I guess that sorta means the lounge and fm can't coexist peacefully. One will always be dead, since they both want to do the same thing. The alternative is to split the playerbase, both being half-dead, and that's certainly no better. Maybe the lounge SHOULDN'T have smegas even... The lounge needs to try to be something else than what the fm already provides. I guess, then, the only safe, regular usage of it besides the gm event npc is for a custom npc that lets you re-run jump quests with a timer, and a custom gachapon (but I can't imagine what you could put in it and still have it balanced with being accessible from everywhere). I can't think of anything else that is properly balanced...
Just discovered today that there's a lounge Also I fine it weird and pointless that movement skills are disabled since its quite a large place to walk in.
If the reason for the Lounge is maintained; socializing (NOT: buffing/npcing) and some of the minor inconveniences are changed, -movement skills/mounts -trading/dropping I still don't think we'd see many players in the lounge. There's still not enough reason to go there. Idk if anyone mentioned this yet, but I'd suggest we have a single channel-centralized Lounge. Idk how able the "higher ups" are, but basically have an invisible "channel 21". If you press the lounge, we all go to the same place. As many others suggested, it'd help to have a smaller and better "formatted" map that facilitates socializing and feels "comfy". Someone posted a screenshot of the "mushroom house", now that's comfy for numerous reasons; closed space, can see everyone on your screen , promotes socializing, (cute), and so on. That exact format isn't necessary but it's something to consider. It would definitely push the boundaries of the lounge, but what if players could go from the lounge to the fm. I don't mean immediately, because that defeats the purpose of it all. I'd say maybe after 5 minutes, you can talk to an npc and go to the FM. People can't maintain a map ownership this way. If you're lazy and wanna go to the fm, just press the button and chill for a bit. Not the most elegant idea but I'd use it. It'd be an extra bonus if it was still single channel-centralized. A pot of players stuck in a small room together for a serviceable function sounds fun. If I was to dive deeper into bad ideas, I'd say maybe just make the lounge inherently fun and serve a function. Maybe make some sort of 24/7 jump quest (or something [please don't do this. I'm awful at jump quests]) where you get rewarded with a "token" on completion. You can trade the tokens in for "something". I think it'd be best to keep the prizes novel; cosmetic nx items and chairs. When we fall, we can express our frustration with our fellow maplers. Ok, that's all I got.