So I don't know how to make a new line. Trying to search google but didn't get anything good How to make the Alternative start in new line?
Each row is enclosed by TR tags. First row (the column headers) has TH tags. Regular data rows have TD tags. I'm a headerI'm probably a header too I wish I was a header^Yep, you are I wish I wasn't last row^Can confirm Code: [table][tr][th]I'm a header[/th][th]I'm probably a header too[/th][/tr] [tr][td]I wish I was a header[/td][td]^Yep, you are[/td][/tr] [tr][td]I wish I wasn't last row[/td][td]^Can confirm[/td][/tr][/table] PS. BBCode information can be found in the Help link at the bottom of the forum:
Thanks for reply but it's not what I want For example: LevelPlaces 10-15Henesy hunting ground Alternative: HPQ 15-30Crocodile Alternative: KPQ Code: [table] [tr] [th]Level[/th][th]Places[/th] [/tr] [tr] [td]10-15[/td][td]Henesy hunting ground Alternative: HPQ[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]15-30[/td][td]Crocodile Alternative: KPQ[/td] [/tr] [/table] How to make Alternative start in new line?
Ohh. My bad, I didn't understand. Uh, one hackish way to do it could be to indent it I guess; like this: LevelPlaces 10-15Henesy hunting groundAlternative: HPQ 15-30CrocodileAlternativeAlternative: KPQ Code: [table][tr][th]Level[/th][th]Places[/th][/tr] [tr][td]10-15[/td][td][b]Henesy hunting ground[/b][indent=0][u]Alternative[/u]: HPQ[/indent][/td][/tr] [tr][td]15-30[/td][td][b]Crocodile[/b][indent=0][u]Alternative[/u]: KPQ[/indent][/td][/tr][/table] Keep in mind, though, that apparently bbcode doesn't like to be challenged like this, so you'll likely have to edit the indent tags back in, whenever you edit / preview again your post, as it'll probably just convert it to new lines and thus break it.
@Pipotron Holy! It works like a charm! Thankss, you saved me many hours of research! I was thinking of something like [br][/br] and trying to search google all the way but no help at all ( Thankss again!
No problem. c: The only annoyance is having to constantly rewrite that bbcode for every edit, but I guess that keeping it written down on a notepad page, and editing it whenever needed + then pasting it over the preexisting one would make it more bearable.