Sometimes I just wish you had better friends who weren't influencing you to do such stupid, childish things. You succumb to peer pressure so easily and no matter how much I try to help you stand back up and be stronger, you always fall back. What more can I do?
You have some nerve. Don't you dare tell me I've done nothing but lay around all day. Sure I didn't do a lot today, but how many times have I been working from the moment I wake up until dinner for something YOU needed help with or to be done? The LAST thing I need to hear from you is that I did/do nothing because it could be a whole hell of a lot worse and you know it.
What part of "two dropdown boxes" translates as an overly complicated player interface? [Not aimed at any of our staff or players, past or present!]
I've cried only 3 times since I finished elementary school, all of those times i cried because I fucked up something, disappointed close ones,screwed myself over because of laziness... Today I cried because I wasn't born "perfect",or at least flaw-less. just as fast as my dream came back for life, it was crushed in front of my eyes(oh the irony). The missing piece,the difference between staying hope-less and aim-less to ambitious and confident, all gone,and I cannot do a single thing about it. Still can't hold the tears back....
I missed this so much. I forgot what it feels like to get my mind full of creative ideas, running free with story lines that intertwine with every word that the other people come up with. I only wish that I was better at it- Practice makes "perfect", but I've been aiming to improve for years. I'm at a standstill. How much more until I break through this wall? I'm no gryffindor- I don't tackle problems headfirst and try to break through with my head and pure will. I try to solve them with logic, careful meticulous problem solving and resolutions. But I'm having a hard time figuring this one out- for now.
Tell me if you don't before I get attached. I'd like to minimize as much damage as possible to my heart.
I cannot wait to move out and get the hell of your life because fuck you and the stupid bullshit you feed me.
You can ask me what I can do, and what I can't at my age, but I just have one question for you; what the hell do you know about respect? Absolutely nothing, clearly.
Stop drinking my blood. Stop keeping me awake with your buzzing. You are irritating me!11!1!! I shall kill you all, family Mosquito!
Being in a hot country, I do not want you nats to fly in my mouth or in my ear every time I speak! Regardless if you hate what I have to say, those are MY body parts ya fool!
Haven't used this thread in awhile. Wow. You start dating this girl for 8 months, get engaged, take naked photos of her on Instagram when she isn't even a model, works at Wendy's, get her pregnant before engagement, then some guy comes into her life and starts complimenting her looks on Facebook Messaging. And then you get all touchy because he's hitting on your girl. News flash, TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu. Your girlfriend is probably banging five other dudes. Did you forget who you're even dating? She has no problem taking nude pics with you and posting them everywhere, so I wouldn't be surprised if she found a few other side guys. Then you post the guy's messages on Instagram and expect everyone to be oh-so happy that you care about your fiance so much. And guess what, they are oh-so happy that you care a lot about her. Seriously, fuck all you passive-aggressive little shitheads that don't stand up for privacy. What are you? Twelve, fourteen? Quit being such a big 'hotshot' posting that type of stuff on the Internet. I bet while I'm typing this out, he's already been trying to force this little thing on /b/. You're the worst type of cancer. Ugh. I should really get rid of social media.
I have known you for 15 years. You are considered my "best friend" yet we don't talk ever about anything but the latest game you are interested in every maybe month or so. When you have problems I am always there for you, always being the one who you can rely on, but when I need your help, you always seem to be too busy with the next girl you are hopelessly chasing or some other lame excuse you tend to come up with. What did I do to deserve such abandonment, such denial. What about me and my struggles. Why am I the one left to slave in hardship under the watchful eye of pain while you bask in the glory of your life. Why.